Engineering project plan

The footsteps of time are silent, it passes unnoticed, our work is entering a new stage, in order to have better growth in the work, it is time to make a plan for their next stage of learning. Plan in the end how to draw up the appropriate? The following is I help you organize the engineering project plan sample, welcome to read and collect.

Engineering Project Plan Part 1

1 Scope

Applicable to the group company A class project.

2 Definitions

2.1 Technical terminology uses the official terminology in the national or industry standards;

2.2 Quality terminology adopts the terminology and definitions in the ISO8402: 1994 standard;

3 Responsibilities

3.1 Engineering Department: is responsible for drawing up this guidebook, and supervising the preparation of the "Engineering Project Plan" for each newly-applied project;

3.2 Project Manager Department: prepare the project planning book, reported to the Engineering Department;

4 Preparation requirements

4.1 Preparation time: in the general manager of the first on-site office meeting, the project manager presided over the preparation of the project's "Project Planning Book" first draft, submitted to the meeting for discussion and determination, and then promptly reported it to the Ministry of Engineering in the form of a fax or electronic file;

4.2 Style: the layout is suitable for A4 paper, the format can refer to the project planning book preparation examples;

4.3 Project planning book is to grasp the project boundary conditions as soon as possible, to ensure that the project meets the customer's requirements and compiled, is the basis for the preparation of the implementation of the construction organization design.

The project department should analyze the project implementation conditions after the project is on site, and plan the project implementation as a whole. The main contents of the engineering project planning document (try to use diagrams and clarify the key issues):

4.3.1 Overview of the project and the boundary conditions

4.3.2 Evaluation and understanding of the project

4.3.3 The project organization

4.3.3 The project organization <

4.3.4 Brief description of construction program and construction methods

4.3.5 Resource plan and organization

4.3.6 Other information to be described

4.4 The specific content and type of project plan can be referred to the Appendix - Example of Project Plan Preparation.

5 Related/Supporting Documents

Construction Process Control Procedures ZS/CX/GC02

6 Quality Records

7 Schedules/Appendices

7.1 Example of Preparation of Engineering Project Plan.

Engineering Project Planner Part 2

1. Cover Page

This is an easily overlooked part.

There are many organizations that believe that content is more important than form.

In fact, the form can be a better representation of the content.

In addition, the project proposal is also a very important window for the funding agency to understand and know us, and it will definitely get extra points if it is professional and rigorous.

The cover page can simply state the project name and date, or it can include the following information: project name; applying (executing) organization; mailing address; phone, fax, e-mail; contact (responsible) person;

You can also list the bank account, attorney, auditor, etc. on the cover page.

It is also a good idea to include a simple cover letter on the front if you are raising money from an organization.

Because a project plan can be submitted to multiple funding agencies, it requires a personalized cover letter that begins with "Someone at an agency" to show that you value and respect that agency.

2. Project Summary (General)

This is the most important part, and the first part that readers will read and skim.

The Foundation's program managers receive a lot of requests every day, and they may not have enough time to "read" all the proposals.

Therefore, the 'summary' section of the project will be the deciding factor in the outcome of the 'shortlisting'; in the summary section, bring together all the information you think is important.

The summary should generally include: background information about the organization, its mission and purpose; the problem that the program will address and how it will address it; the capabilities and past successes of the program applicant; and so on.

It is important to note that although the project summary is in the first half of the proposal, it is actually written after all the proposals have been written.

3. Project Background, Problems and Requirements

In this section, you need to detail the problems and why you are designing the project to solve them.

To fully explain the severity and urgency of the problem, it is best to provide some data, so that not only can fully explain the problem, but also show that you understand the project.

In addition, you can also use some real, typical cases in order to emotionally move the reader, and then cause them to ****.

It is important to explain the cause of the project, the logical cause and effect relationship, the beneficiary group and its connection with other social issues.

Generally, this section includes the following key information:

* Scope of the project (issues and events, beneficiary groups);

* Macro-social context that led to the project;

* Rationale and justification for the project;

* Other long term and strategic significance;

4. Objectives and outputs

In order to convince the funding agency that the project is a good one, it is important to include the following information.

After convincing the funding agency of the existence of the 'problem', clearly state your 'solution'.

Inter-agency collaboration is encouraged.

If you have other institutional partners, make that clear.

In this section you describe in detail your project plan, the overall goals of the project, the milestones and tasks, and the evaluation criteria for each goal.

The overall goal is a long-term, macro, conceptual, and more abstract description.

From the overall goal can be broken down into a series of specific, measurable, achievable milestones with clear time markers.

For example, "reduce illiteracy" is the overall goal, and "by October 2005, 200 rural women will know 1,000 words" is a specific goal.

The goal must be stated very clearly.

Most importantly, the goal should be realistic.

Don't promise what you can't do.

Keep in mind that what funders want to see in the PCR is that the project actually achieved those stated goals.

5. Beneficiary Groups

In this section, you'll want to give a more detailed description of the beneficiary groups of the project.

If necessary, you can also categorize the benefit groups into direct and indirect benefit groups.

For example, the direct beneficiary group of the NPO Information and Consultation Center's capacity building project is domestic NGOs and NGO practitioners, but the indirect beneficiary group is NGO clients.

This is because through capacity building, the service capacity and efficiency of NGOs are improved so that they can provide better, more and better services to their service users.

Another example is a service organization for people with disabilities, whose direct beneficiary group is the disabled group, and whose indirect beneficiary group is their families, or even the whole society.

Many funders want the beneficiaries to be involved in the program from start to finish.

This is especially important during the design phase of a project.

You can list in an appendix the activities of the beneficiary groups, including the seminars organized for them, the topics, times, and participants; and let the funders know that your project is not only designed for the beneficiaries, but also has their broad support and recognition.

6. Solutions and implementation methods

Through the above sections, you have clearly explained the problems and what you hope to accomplish.

Now, it is necessary to describe how you will reach your goals, i.e., what methods and activities you will use to achieve them.

In describing the methodology, you make a point of explaining the superior characteristics of that methodology.

You can also list other relevant methods and compare them, cite expert opinion and other failures or successes, and so on.

In short, make a strong case that the method you have chosen is the most scientific, effective, and economical.

At the same time, explain that there are risks and challenges for your organization in adopting this approach.

In addition, mention the conditions and resources that will be required to implement this solution, including: who? When? What equipment to use? What kind of things to do? What are the competencies and skills of the people who will do these things?

It is a good idea to attach a detailed description of the job requirements for the key jobs.

7, the project process plan

In this section, to describe in detail the sequence of tasks and the starting time.

This can be represented by a chart with time stamps, so that at a glance, you can tell the reader "what to do at what time", as well as the correlation and cause and effect relationship between the various activities.

8. Project Organization

In this section, describe what kind of executive team and management structure is needed to achieve the above goals.

The executive team should include all project team members: volunteers, expert consultants, full-time staff, etc.

They should include all project team members: volunteers, expert consultants, and full-time staff.

Their work experience, professional background, education, etc., relevant to this project is also important.

The experience and competence of the implementation team often determines the success or failure of the project to a large extent, so this is also of great interest to funders.

It is also important to clarify the management structure of the project.

It should be clear that the general manager of the project, the financial manager, and the managers of the other sub-projects.

If two or more organizations are working together on a project, the division of labor among the organizations should also be stated.

The workflow should also be very clear, to explain the sequence of work, logical relationship.

9, costs, budgets and benefits

This section must provide more than just a cost of the budget table (of course, the budget table is also very important, you can put it in an annex), but to describe and analyze the data in the budget table, the total cost of the total cost and the cost of various sub-costs, including the cost of personnel, equipment and so on.

Among other things, the personnel funding category could include salaries, benefits, and the cost of consulting experts; the non-personnel funding category could include travel, equipment, and communication costs, among other things.

If a portion of the funding source is already available, that should also be noted.

Also, make it obvious how much more financial support you need in total.

There are inputs, and then there is the benefit of the outputs.

Too often, NGOs don't talk about benefits in their program plans, incorrectly assuming that NGO services are not about benefits.

In fact, in addition to reasonable NGO fees, which are being promoted internationally, another major feature of NGO services is that they generate significant social benefits.

Although it is difficult to quantify the social benefits, you can try to find some data to analyze the social benefits, even if it is just an estimate.

For example, although a service organization for drug addicts provides free services to drug addicts without any income, it is still possible to estimate what aspects of social problems can be reduced by serving a drug addict, and you can make an estimate of the costs related to the medical expenses of the drug addicts, unemployment, and crime.

In short, the more clearly you can work out the benefits that can be generated per unit cost of input, the more you will be able to demonstrate the superiority of your approach, and the more you will be able to get agreement from funders.

Also, the F&A methodology associated with the project should be mentioned in this section.

10. Monitoring and evaluation

Monitoring is a very important part of the project implementation process, and the monitoring organization and personnel (which can be the council, the funder, or other third-party organizations), as well as the monitoring tasks, should be written in the project plan.

Related to this is a self-assessment plan for the project team.

The ongoing evaluation report is even more important than the end-of-project evaluation.

Evaluating at different stages of the project allows you to identify problems in a timely manner and address them as early as possible.

At the same time, it allows funders to get the message that you have not only come up with a good plan, but that you can do a good job of realizing it.

Note that the way the program is implemented is a very important factor for funders in judging whether or not to grant funding.

There are two approaches to monitoring and evaluation that can be used.

One is to measure outcomes and the other is to analyze processes.

Either or both are likely to be applicable to your program.

The approach you choose will depend on the nature and goals of the project.

Whichever approach you choose, you will need to describe how you intend to collect evaluation information and analyze the data, and at what stage of the project the phasing will take place.

Evaluation activities and timing should also be included in the timeline of the project implementation plan.

Both the monitoring report and the evaluation report should include the progress and completion of the project, a comparison of the original plan with the actual situation, and a forecast of the likelihood of achieving the plan in the future.

In addition to the overall evaluation report, a number of sub-evaluation reports should be provided.

For example, an audit report at the mid-point of the project.

Engineering Project Plan Part 3

Chapter 1 Overview

Existing situation of the investor's company

Provide the company's business license (proof of business) or personal data (copy of ID card)

Chapter 2 Basic information about the project

1, The project set up the form of organization (refers to domestic and foreign-funded enterprises, domestic enterprises, including limited liability companies, sole proprietorships and other forms)

2, the project's scale of investment, scope of operation, business period

3, process

Including the process, product catalogs and production processes.

4, land, plant

Description of the land area, the total floor area of the plant.

5, the number of employees

6, product sales

Introduction of the main product name and product market sales, domestic and foreign sales ratio.

7, the project site requirements or existing site

Chapter III production raw material supply

1, the main raw materials

Description of the main raw material demand and supply channels.

2, water, electricity, fuel and other major energy consumption (can be converted to standard coal)

Description of the annual consumption and solution.

3, the main equipment production capacity and purchase plan

Chapter IV Safety and Environmental Protection

Should be implemented in accordance with China's environmental protection law and the relevant safety regulations, industrial hygiene standards.

1, the treatment of pollutants

Description of the production of this product whether the production of wastewater, waste gas, smoke and noise, etc., as well as treatment measures, reference standards.

2, labor safety and protection measures

Occupational hazards that may arise in the production and the factors that cause harm; follow the safety and health regulations and standards; labor safety and industrial hygiene measures considered in the design.

Chapter 5: Technical reasonableness and realizability

The investor's production history, technical strength and reputation in the industry, and the level of output and quality that may be achieved after the project is established.

Chapter 6: Capital Investment Plan

Describe the amount, timing and method of investment for each phase.

Chapter VII Implementation Plan

Specifically list the time to complete the feasibility study report (except for domestic enterprises), apply for the business license, the start of the preparatory work for the civil construction, the delivery of the production plant, the installation of equipment for trial production, production, and a series of major projects.

Chapter VIII Economic Benefit Analysis (Unit: RMB 10,000 yuan)

1. Economic Benefit Analysis

Product Sales Revenue:

Minus Cost of Goods Sold (Material):

Direct Labor:

Production Cost:

Gross Gross Profit:

Less Administrative expenses:


Amortization of land use rights:

Profit before tax:

Income tax:

Net profit:

2. After the project is put into operation, the expected tax payments

Including taxes and fees such as value-added tax (VAT), consumption tax, business tax, income tax and embankment fee.

Project investor: Source: Fujian Education Online

Year Month

Contact person:

Phone (mobile):


Project Plan Part 4

Project Name: Sales Management System

Name of the school: Shanghai Electrical Engineering College Project Time: 20xx03.01. -20xx. 05. 10

Project Planner: Zhao Huizhe, Lv Yanchen, Li Na, Gu Guanpei

1, System Theme

1, 1 Introduction

Nowadays, both the company and the school have Various systems, for example: the school has a teaching management system, library management system and so on. And the company has a payroll management system, personnel management system and so on. These companies in the market, basically each company has to record its daily sales statistics, and now the computer is so popular, we do not like before are recorded manually to the book, and then manually process the data. So it is necessary to establish a sales system for the company to save a lot of unnecessary human resources, and high efficiency, time-saving, easy to operate, there is a wide range of application domain and licensing, space.

1, 2 background and purpose

In the second semester of the sophomore year we opened a "Practical Software Engineering" discipline, in the teacher and the needs of professional courses, we have to carry out a period of about 15 weeks a platform for in-depth study of software engineering. We were required to program a small piece of software in less than 15 weeks. Secondly, in the 21st century this prosperous era, the sales industry is also booming, appeared a lot of sales management system to promote the development of the company, with sales management system, not only conducive to the management of the company, more conducive to our timely grasp of data information, processing, statistics and summarization. Based on this idea, our group decided to do a sales management system to achieve flexible management of the company's sales performance of the small system.

This sales system can accomplish the following functions:

(1) Calculate the sales of each product for each person in a certain month;

(2) Sort the salesman by sales, output sorting results;

(3) Statistics of the total sales of each product, and these products in the order of from the top to the bottom.

1, 3 system and the theme of the Innovation Cup

To meet the "Innovation Cup" and the preview. Our goal is to make software that is useful and, if it is good, can be used widely. So we hope to make the "Innovation Cup" can appear some more innovative things, more fun. It will attract more people's attention.

1, 4 market research process and conclusions

Before determining the subject, we specifically look at the Internet to see the current more popular topics, the most for the school library management system, but this is too popular, do more people, and we have been using, so it is not difficult. Later we found that the sales side is still relatively popular, and do not do much for us, but also relatively new, because after all, we do not have access to at this stage, so according to our comprehensive discussion, we feel that there are many organizations need the software, such as: hotels can use the software to manage the distribution of giveaways, supermarkets can be used to manage the purchase of goods and sales conditions, even a small jewelry store Even a small jewelry store can use the software to manage the sales of jewelry and customer demand. From the survey point of view of the software is very popular with the community, practicality is strong, and nowadays similar to the software products can be said to be endless, greatly increasing the need for us to do this project.

2, needs analysis

2, 1 summary

This is a very practical small sales management system, including the sales of each product sales statistics, as well as total sales statistics, and so on, a series of small features that can help small stores and small companies to realize the daily sales of products statistics. Companies to realize the daily product sales statistics, and can output the different performance of each salesman, easy to operate, intuitive display, without too many technical requirements, so it is suitable for the general public.

2.2 Usage Scenarios

The main target: all kinds of clothing stores and small companies.

Scenario description: there are four salesmen, responsible for selling five products. Each salesperson writes a note for each product sold that day and hands it in. Each note should contain: the code name of the salesman, the code name of the product, and the sales volume of that product for the day; each salesman may turn in 0-5 notes per day.

Detailed operation: in similar small companies or clothing stores, generally look at the performance of the promotion, or look at the performance of the nomination of the best salesperson or the best employee, and then the company and then carry out a number of reward system. So suppose a sales manager needs to count today's sales and sales after work every day, if it is a manual statistics, that the amount of calculations and workload is too big point; but if she installed in this software, run the program, according to the operation of the prompt step-by-step operation.

First of all, if it is the first time to use this software, he needs to register a user name and password, which also ensures that the sales situation is hidden, after each view or add a new record, you only need to enter the user name and password can be operated, if someone else wants to modify the sales situation, it is necessary to know the user name and password, otherwise it can not be operated. After registering the user name and password, enter the interface, each salesman has a number, and then enter the date, the salesman's number, the product number, sales, are entered, the program can be sorted from high to low, so that at a glance will be able to see the sales of each person - the best salesman. Finally, the program can also carry out the calculation of total sales, you can see the day or week or month of the company's performance.

The above is the detailed operation of this software, which is not only practical but also simple and intuitive. It's perfect for all kinds of small businesses and places like clothing stores.

2.3 Utility Analysis

When we designed this software, we wanted to highlight one of its advantages is practical! So we are this purpose to design. It is simple and easy to understand, intuitive interface, hidden, very suitable for small businesses on the company's management, statistics, inquiries. Spend the lowest cost to achieve the highest efficiency.

2, 4 pieces now only applies to small businesses, but in the future, as our team grows, the ability to strengthen, it can not only be applied to small businesses, but also in the large enterprises to be able to use, and the function will be more and more powerful, not only on the turnover of statistics, but also the realization of the product sales per piece. Sales statistics, management, query. And there is hope that the development of other areas.