Taizhou City South No.1 Wastewater Treatment Plant treatment process introduction? Online etc.

Phase I wastewater treatment process adopts sequential batch activated sludge (SBR) wastewater treatment process. Sludge treatment using mechanical belt thickening and dewatering machine. Tail water discharge is discharged along the Qili River to the new Tongyang Canal program. That is, the tail water of the sewage plant through the lifting pumping station will be sewage through the pipeline to the east through the old Tongyang Canal to the GaoTai highway, along the highway buried pipe to the Seven Mile River, and then along the Seven Mile River buried pipe to the new Tongyang Canal, a total length of 7 kilometers.

The first wastewater treatment plant expansion project started in September 2010, the first phase of the project (40,000m3 / d) to upgrade and the second phase of the expansion (40,000m3 / d), after the implementation of the final formation of the total sewage treatment scale of 80,000m3 / d, the effluent quality from the "municipal wastewater treatment plant pollutant discharge standards" (GB18918-2002) in the first B standard to a level of A standard. Specific construction content is:

(1) new 40,000m3/d scale of secondary biological treatment structures;

(2) new 80,000m3/d scale of depth treatment structures;

(3) in accordance with the requirements of the collection of pipeline network coverage, extension of part of the road pipeline network.