My father, 48 years old, has high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, recently the left eye can not see things, the doctor said it is caused by high blood pressure, the treatment process is slow,
My father, 48 years old, has high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, recently the left eye can not see things, the doctor said it is caused by high blood pressure, the treatment process is slow, the
Since your father has blurred vision in his left eye, it means that your father's usual blood pressure control is not up to standard, and there have been complications of high blood pressure, so it is necessary to formalize the treatment to control the blood pressure, the biggest danger of high blood pressure is to the heart. The biggest danger of high blood pressure is the damage to the heart. The most important thing to look at is the control of your father's blood pressure, what is the highest blood pressure, what medication is usually used to control it, and how much can the blood pressure be controlled after using the medication. In addition, how much the blood pressure fluctuates during the day. If the current blood pressure is very high than 180/110mmHg, then you need to immediately lower the blood pressure, first of all, the intravenous application of nitroglycerin or sodium nitroprusside to lower the blood pressure, and then transition to oral antihypertensive medication life-long service, if the current blood pressure is less than 180/110mmHg, then the direct adjustment of the oral medication can be, and in addition to the time of the medication according to the law of the day in the high and low blood pressure of the individualized medicine, combined with You have a history of coronary heart disease, it is recommended that the application of calcium antagonists + beta-blockers + ACEI, if the blood pressure control is still unsatisfactory, can be added with diuretics, quadruple antihypertensive drugs should be able to put the blood pressure control is good, your father's blood pressure is recommended to control at 140/90 below. The treatment process is to be slow to come, not all of a sudden will be very fast, because it must be stable blood pressure, blood pressure is not the faster the better, not the lower the better, to be stable. Individualization. I hope it will help you.