Pet class into tmall need what trademark

Pet class into Tmall need to provide a trademark registration certificate (i.e., R label), depending on the product registered trademark number: 31 categories: pet drinks, pet food, etc. 44 categories: pet cleaning, pet grooming services, etc. 43 categories: pet boarding, pet hotel services, etc. 35 categories: pet store signboards, pet products, publicity and advertising, etc. 18 categories: pet collars, pet clothes, etc.

What trademarks are needed for the pet category to enter Tmall?

Class 31: pet drinks, pet food, etc.

Class 44: pet cleaning, pet grooming services, etc.

Class 43: pet boarding, pet hotel services, etc.

Class 35: pet store signboards, pet product promotional advertisements, etc.

Class 18: pet collars, pet clothing, etc.

Class 03: Bathing gel for pets, daily necessities, etc.

05 categories: pharmaceutical preparations for treating pets, medical supplies, etc.

12 categories: pet safety seats (for carriers), etc.

Pet categories stationed on Tmall requirements:

1, according to the official Tmall investment information shows that at this stage, live pets can only be stationed by invitation, "small pets / pet feed and utensils" category can apply for their own stationing, store-type official flagship stores to invite Incoming;

2, the company applying for Tmall should be founded more than one year;

3, the company applying for Tmall registered capital of not less than one million yuan;

4, applying for Tmall company needs to be qualified as a general taxpayer;

5, the self-nominated The brand must have a trademark registration number (i.e. R label).

Tianmao stationed in the direction of investment:

1, pet food category: Australia, Britain, North America and other international famous brands and their Chinese humanized well-known brands preferred recruitment;

2, pet appliances: international famous brands, original brands or pet health care products, medicines, and other categories of the international famous brands Preferred recruitment;

3. Fish tanks and aquariums worldwide: famous brands with certain overall strength in outdoor aquascape/decorative design, filter equipment, ornamental fish feeds and other segmented categories are preferred for recruitment.