Seek RO reverse osmosis membrane correct use!

Storage of reverse osmosis membrane elements

1. osmosis membrane elements before loading into the pressure vessel, do not open the sealed package, stored in a cool dry place, avoid direct sunlight.

2. May be subject to freezing and icing.

Installation of reverse osmosis membrane element

1. Before installing the reverse osmosis membrane element, make sure that the system has been cleaned.

2. Reverse osmosis membrane element in the installation of the system, to properly lubricate the O-ring and concentrated water seals, can use silicone-based adhesive or 50% glycerol aqueous solution, prohibited.

3. Use oil, grease, petroleum jelly or petroleum-based compounds.

4. When loading reverse osmosis membrane elements into the pressure vessel one by one, eliminate the gap at the end plate of the pressure vessel by adding a gasket to prevent in the system.

5. The CSM reverse osmosis membrane element leaps up and down in the pressure vessel during startup and shutdown, while reducing the possibility of leakage at the outer connection of the reverse osmosis membrane element.

New reverse osmosis membrane flushing

1. New system after the installation of reverse osmosis membrane elements to carry out a thorough rinsing, the system residual impurities, solvents and protective fluids completely clean.

2. When the produced water is used for drinking, it needs to be flushed for at least 24 hours.

System startup and operation

1. Before system startup, the thick water valve should be kept fully open. After the system is started, the thick water valve can be closed gradually and slowly so that the system can reach the set recovery rate. It is strictly prohibited to start the equipment when the thick water valve is closed.

2. At no time during system operation (including system pre-startup, routine operation, flushing and chemical cleaning) should the valve on the produced water line be closed.

3. Before high-pressure operation, low-pressure flushing is carried out through the soft-start mechanism or frequency conversion speed control to discharge air.

Special attention

1. Ensure that the feed water turbidity <1.0NTU or SDI15<5, the feed water temperature <45 ℃, the feed water does not contain harmful substances that may cause physical and chemical damage to the reverse osmosis membrane.

2. The residual chlorine content in the feed water of the reverse osmosis membrane element shall not exceed 0.05mg/L at any time, otherwise it will lead to irreversible oxidative damage of the reverse osmosis membrane element.


1. After a period of normal operation, the reverse osmosis membrane element will be contaminated by suspended or insoluble matter that may be present in the feed water. In the standard conditions of the system performance decreased by 10%, or apparently scaling or fouling blockage, should be promptly cleaned. Regular water flushing and chemical dosing cleaning can restore the performance of the reverse osmosis membrane element, extend the service life of the reverse osmosis membrane element.

2. System in the short-term stop operation period, should be every 5 days flushing system, flushing after closing the valve.

3. Reverse osmosis membrane system for a long time out of operation (more than 30 days), add 1% sodium bisulfite solution to prevent bacterial reproduction.