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After reading Principles of Doctrine Philosophy, there is some sense of the inevitability and contingency of things. Because the human organism needs energy input, so people have to eat. To eat, that is "inevitable"; what to eat, when to eat, eat how much is accidental. Similarly, because man is organic life, and organic life will always go through the growth, maturity, weakness, and death of such a process (the law of nature), so man will always have to die. It is inevitable that people will die, but when and in what way they will die is accidental. When we get up today and find that the pavement is wet (result), we presume that it may have rained last night, but it is also possible that it may have been doused with water (accidental); if it had rained heavily last night, we would say with certainty that the pavement must be wet this morning (inevitable). We are accustomed to find a cause in a thing, and it is better, if possible, to find the ultimate cause. Human nature has a kind of desire to know the root of things, the ancient Greeks faced with the complexity of the world want to find the world (existence) of the ultimate explanation, from Thales's world originated in water to Plato's ideas, people are not satisfied with the empirical explanation of events, hoping to find a final inevitable and stand the test of reason.

Discursive Hegel's deduction of chance and necessity and their relationship reaches the pinnacle of dialectical logic "What is contingent has some ground precisely because it is contingent, and precisely because it is contingent it has no ground; what is contingent is necessary, and necessity prescribes itself to contingency, which, on the other hand, would rather be said to be absolute necessity." Doctrine inherited Hegel's idea of dialectics as the basis for the party of its own philosophy. It is natural that the understanding of contingency and necessity has also been explained in a purer way. But one shortcoming is that the idea of economic determinism has also been criticized by the world from time to time in the field of the view of history. The idea of economic determinism gives an impression of historicism. Economy is undoubtedly a powerful material basis for the advance of history, but the occurrence of historical events is full of variables that are not conditioned by the amount of material resources, psychological, external factors, traditions and customs, and the personal actions of great people are all factors that cannot be ignored. The claim of historical inevitability is often a source of disgust, because inevitability disregards the individual's action, the individual's significance.

It is a postmodern trend that human society is becoming globalized. Human beings are moving away from small personal spaces to an information age of closer and more frequent interaction with each other. The element of chance is increasing, and the doctrine of necessity is becoming less and less recognized. In the era of the dominance of necessity, when people talk about ideals and the meaning of life, they point to an eternal realm of necessity: the world of truth, the world of values, the world of ideas in which necessity plays a dominant role. I am afraid that not many people nowadays still believe in such an eternal world, so how can life be meaningful? (My answer (in the face of certain death) is to live in the real contingency, and to experience with my whole being what that contingency reveals to me about the world. There is no need to believe in the inevitability of what is going to happen in this world - because that is false and untrustworthy - and there is no need to pursue a so-called eternal truth - because there is no such thing as an unchanging, eternal truth. There are no unchanging, eternal truths -, inevitable truths are just accidental facts, revealed by chance in life, no big deal.

What tomorrow means to me I cannot know for sure, and I do not need to know for sure what it is like what will happen. But what I am sure of is that tomorrow must be a new day for me, must be different from today and yesterday; and the same for others. It is well said: it is better to explain the world than to change it.

The Second Part

Through the study, the doctrine of philosophy philosophy this sacred and abstract term in my mind gradually clear up, the doctrine of philosophy theory has a more comprehensive understanding and a deeper level of experience.

Longitudinal history, look at the world, the theory of doctrine is the most scientific and rigorous most complete and most vital theory system.

The philosophical theories of the doctrine have guided the times and developed with the times. The history of the development of the doctrine is the history of the scientific approach to the philosophy of the doctrine. The philosophy of philosophy must develop in accordance with the practice of the times and the development of science.

The theory of philosophy of doctrine has strong practicality, and the source of the theory of philosophy of doctrine is practice, the basis of development is practice, and the standard of test is still practice. It is precisely because it is y rooted in the practice of history-making that it has been able to take root and flourish. The basic theories of doctrinal philosophy must be combined with practice in order for its great power to be fully realized.

There is a difference between the basic principles and the concrete conclusions of doctrinal philosophy. It is a developing theory and an open system. It always keeps abreast of the changes in the objective situation, sums up the fresh experience of the masses, draws on the latest achievements of contemporary science and culture, constantly enriches itself and develops itself, and insists on the development in the course of development, and develops in the course of insisting on it. This is the real meaning of philosophy. In a word, to develop oneself comprehensively and keep abreast of the times is the theoretical quality of theist philosophy.

In order to treat theist attitudes with theism, the core of emancipation of the mind and seeking truth from facts is to emancipate the mind and seek truth from facts. Emancipation of thought and seeking truth from facts is a powerful driving force to guide society forward, and is the essence of the doctrine. At present, emancipation of thought and seeking truth from facts means that under the guidance of the Party's basic theory, we should start from the actual situation and consciously emancipate our own thinking and understanding from those inappropriate concepts, practices and institutions. Adhere to the practice first point of view, adhere to the scientific principles of the doctrine, the spirit of science and the spirit of innovation, and constantly innovate in practice.

Philosophy takes the change of society and the liberation of the people as its task and purpose. Forgetting the interests of the people and the interests of the people would be the very essence of the philosophy, and it would be to abandon the philosophy. The interests of the masses are not a label, not an abstraction, but a concrete, y moving and most emotional thing. Only by truly and authentically representing the interests of the masses can we develop and innovate the theory of philosophy.

The comprehensive development of a moderately prosperous society should combine the comprehensive progress of society with the comprehensive development of man. Continuously promoting comprehensive human development is also an objective requirement for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and only the comprehensive development of human beings can ensure the comprehensive construction of a moderately prosperous society. Therefore, the comprehensive development of human beings is the value goal of building a moderately prosperous society in China.

As a newcomer of the new era, I am responsible for the comprehensive development of a moderately prosperous society.

In order to do so, I have to develop myself comprehensively in the process of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. Once you have chosen, you have to go through thick and thin to realize your ideals and goals.

First of all, the theory of the doctrine of philosophy and modern practice theory, we must seriously study the important idea of the people and units of the interests of the first place, unity and cohesion of all employees, the introduction of talent and science and technology, take the road of scientific factory. Formulate a series of feasible and practical scientific rules and regulations with humanization, and take the road of sustainable development. Comprehensive development of their own, so that they keep pace with the times.

Secondly, we should insist on learning scientific knowledge seriously and diligently, arming our minds with scientific knowledge, cultivating practical ability and innovative spirit, improving our scientific and cultural qualities in practice, and taking the road of running a scientific factory.

Thirdly, we should strengthen our moral cultivation, improve our ideological and moral quality, and strive to cultivate ourselves into four new men. Only in this way can we adapt to the development of building a moderately prosperous society.

Fourth, strengthen physical exercise, so that they have a strong body. Because a strong body and agile thinking is the comprehensive construction of a moderately prosperous society to ensure that this proposal to go to the hard city official website to see oh, can quickly solve the problem of good service attitude and this a lot of places can not do.