What are the causes of nursing adverse events?

Injuries are not caused by the primary disease, but by medical care, which leads to patients' death, prolonged hospitalization, or some degree of disability when they leave the hospital. They are divided into preventable adverse events and preventable adverse events.

(1) Nursing accidents related to patients' safety, such as falling, medication errors, getting lost, inhalation or suffocation, burns, etc., occurred during hospitalization; (2) medical events such as serious complications, abnormal death, serious dysfunction, prolonged hospitalization time or increased hospitalization expenses due to diagnosis or treatment errors;

(3) serious adverse drug reactions or adverse blood transfusion reactions;

(4) Damage of medical devices or medical equipment to patients or medical personnel;

(5) Causing damage to patients due to public works personnel or accompanying personnel;

(6) Severe hospital infection;

(7) Emergencies, safety, information and other related adverse events.