Sinopec 2007 quota 960 how to adjust the document

Complementary Quotas 2007 Sinopec "Petrochemical Industry Installation Engineering Budget Quotas" Dynamically adjusted according to Sinopec [2013] No. 54

Calculation Method Rate (%)





40.95 Distance from base Within 25 kilometers 6.51 Outside 25 kilometers from base 8.12 Category 1 area

3.2 Category 2 area

2.61 Category 3 area



Distance to base Within 25 kilometers

52.05 Within 1,000 kilometers beyond 25 kilometers from base 56.75 Increase for each additional 100 kilometers beyond 1,000 kilometers from base



2126.05222.48238.68240.87251.24261. 122714.89280.051*rate 14.7

Calculated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the I + II + III + IV + V

Six installation costs

Housing Provident Fund Project Sewage Charge IV Profit V Taxes III Fees and Charges D

Old-age Insurance Premiums1*rate

Unemployment Insurance PremiumsMedicine Insurance PremiumsMaternity Insurance PremiumsWorkers' Injury Insurance Premiums<

Accidental injury insurance for dangerous work large machinery and equipment entry and exit and dismantling fees large machinery use fees safety production fees

Two enterprise management fees 1 * rate

Project positioning and re-measurement, point of handover, site clean-up costs inspection and testing fees


Completed works and equipment protection costs under specific conditions, calculated in accordance with the relevant regulations at the time of the incidence of the costs

Increase of prefabricated processing plant construction fee

Construction health care fee in the environment harmful to health, increase of construction in special areas, special technical training fees, special technical measures


Civilized construction, environmental protection fee 1 * rate 5

Temporary facilities

6 winter and rainy season, increase in the construction of the fee for the second time, the use of tools and tools of production The use of tools and tools of production night construction increased costs

Fixed labor costs 2 material costs 3 construction machinery use fees (b)


Measure fees

According to the state financial enterprises? [2012]?16? document stipulates?
