How to do with some dry and painful stools?

Hello, I'm glad to be able to answer for you:

Clinically, there are a lot of anal and intestinal diseases that cause pain in the stool, the main ones are:

1, hemorrhoids

Haemorrhoids is the human body end of the rectum under the mucous membrane and the skin of the anal canal under the venous plexus under the occurrence of dilatation and flexure of the formation of the soft venous masses to the dentate line as the boundary can be divided into internal hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids, mixed hemorrhoids, and sometimes there will be painful stools The symptoms of the hemorrhoids can be seen in the form of pain in the stool.

Pain: simple internal hemorrhoids without pain, a few have a feeling of swelling, when the internal hemorrhoids or mixed hemorrhoids out of the inlay, edema, infection, necrosis, there are different degrees of pain.

2, anal fissure

Anal fissure is the formation of small ulcers after cracking the skin layer of the anal canal below the dentate line, clinically common in severe pain during bowel movements, blood in the stool, constipation, itching and other symptoms.

Painful defecation is the main symptom of anal fissure, which is characterized by periodic painful defecation. When there is a desire to defecate, the anus stretches and the pain begins; when defecating, the feces rushes out of the fissure, and you immediately feel a burning pain in the anus or a knife-like pain, known as the pain of defecation; after defecating for a few minutes or up to 10 minutes, the pain stops or decreases, known as the intermittent period, and then, due to the spasmodic contraction of anal sphincter muscles, the patient feels the sharp pain of the fissure again.

The degree of anal fissure pain, with the size and depth of the anal fissure of different and light and heavy. This period of pain, often lasts from half an hour to several hours, so that the patient is restless, very painful, when the sphincter spasm and fatigue, the pain gradually stop. This is a cycle of pain, from defecation to pain to relief to pain. Later on, defecation or sneezing, coughing, urination, etc. can cause cyclic pain episodes. When anal fissure is combined with infection, the pain is more obvious.

3, anal canal inflammation

Anal canal inflammation is caused by long-term fecal stimulation and poor defecation habits, and its main symptoms are persistent throbbing pain, anal itching and crashing, and abnormal defecation.

Persistent throbbing pain: many patients when defecation, due to fecal stimulation of the anal canal and lead to persistent pain, so that the patient's mobility, restlessness.

4, perianal abscess

Perianal abscess is an acute or chronic suppurative infection that occurs in the soft tissues around the anorectum or in the interstitial space around it and forms an abscess. Its main symptoms are pain, hard lumps, and fever.

Pain: Pain is the most common symptom of perianal abscess, which is gradually aggravated persistent swelling or throbbing pain. Patients have difficulty walking and limited sitting.

The above introduction is the disease of pain in the stool. Ningbo Friendship Anal and Intestinal Specialist Hospital experts reminded that the treatment of pain in the stool to the best professional anal and intestinal hospitals, professional anal and intestinal hospitals with professional physicians and advanced medical equipment, to the most professional treatment of the patient.

Wishing patients a speedy recovery!