Does anyone know the safety distances for electrics, the national regulations for them, including how high the voltage national standards specify the safety distances and creepage distances for them.

Does anyone know the safety distances for electrics, the national regulations for them, including how high the voltage national standards specify the safety distances and creepage distances for them. Thanks.

Safety distance:

10KV power lines and residential areas and industrial and mining enterprises in the area of the safety distance of 6.5 meters; non-residential areas, but there are pedestrians and vehicles through the safety distance of 5.5 meters; traffic difficulties in the area of the safety distance of 4.5; highway pavement of the safety distance of 7 meters; railroad railroad track top of the safety distance of 7.5 meters; the highest water surface of the safety distance of navigable rivers The safety distance for the highest water surface of a navigable river is 6 meters; the safety distance for non-navigable rivers and lakes (winter water surface) is 5 meters.

Safety distance requirements:

500kV: 5m; 220kV: 3m; 110kV: 1.5m; 35kV: 1m; 10kV: 0.7m

Climbing distance:

Determine the distance according to the measured working voltage and insulation level.

Primary side AC part: L-N before the fuse ≥ 2.5mm, L.N PE (earth) ≥ 2.5mm, after the fuse device may not be required, but as far as possible to maintain a certain distance in order to avoid short-circuit damage to the power supply.

Primary AC to DC part ≥ 2.0mm;

Primary DC ground to earth ≥ 2.5mm (primary floating ground to earth);

Primary to secondary part of the part ≥ 4.0mm, spanning between the primary and secondary side of the components;

Secondary part of the electrical gap ≥ 0.5mm can be;

Secondary side of the ground to earth ≥ 1.0mm can be.

Extended information:

Line safety distance guide line and the ground (water), tower components, across the minimum allowable distance between the (including power lines and weak power lines). distance.

Transformer and distribution equipment safety distance refers to the minimum permissible distance between the charged body and other charged body, grounding body, all kinds of fences and other facilities.

Maintenance safety distance refers to the staff to carry out maintenance and repair of equipment and the minimum allowable distance between the charged part of the equipment. The distance can be divided into the safety distance when the equipment is not electrified, the normal range of activities in the work of the workforce and the safety distance of the charged equipment, electrified operation of the human body and the safety distance between the charged body.

Safety distance should ensure that in a variety of possible maximum working voltage or over-voltage, no flashover discharge, should also ensure that the staff of electrical equipment inspection, operation, maintenance and overhaul of the absolute safety.

Baidu Encyclopedia - Electrical Safety Distance

Baidu Encyclopedia - Creepage distance