I know that the core of the treatment of diabetes lies in the control of blood sugar, so can diabetes really be cured?

Diabetes is an irreversible return of a metabolic disease, can only be good control of blood glucose, can not be cured, which is required to take a lifetime of medication or insulin, if there is a person who said that can cure diabetes that is a liar. A few years ago, I saw a report that there is a doctor can cure diabetes, as long as you eat his medicine two courses of treatment can be cured, and then do not need to take drugs, the results of a lot of diabetic patients to buy his medicine, eat really blood sugar value is very stable after eating a course of two medication on the drug stopped, no longer continue to take medication, but these diabetic patients are getting higher and higher blood glucose, and then after the State Food and Drug Administration inspection, his medicine is a participant in the lowering of blood glucose value. His medicine is to participate in the glucose, so the patient ate to blood sugar down, thought it was cured, the results of a stopping blood sugar is very high, some diabetic patients even appeared to burst out of the disease. So don't believe those who say you can cure diabetes, there is no cure for diabetes in the world.