What is the scariest theory known to mankind

What is the scariest theory known to mankind?

I don't think those real scientific theories are so scary, not only are they not scary, but they also bring us a convenient life nowadays, whether it's a cell phone, a computer, a car, or a variety of practical household appliances, medical equipment and so on, which are based on the existing scientific theories and the manufacture of scientific and technological products that greatly facilitate our lives, these are not scary at all, but I think that the ones that have been put forward are the most scary, which describe a sense of mystery that is very far away from us, and yet conceal a sense of mystery. I feel that those who have been proposed all kinds of conjectures and guesses are the most terrible, it describes a kind of mystery which is very far away from us, but also hides a great danger, which is not only for one person or two people, but for the whole human race.

Vacuum Decay

The vacuum is a boiling ? ocean? , because there is quantum rise and fall all the time. What is quantum flux? We usually think of the vacuum is the vacuum of nothing, in fact, in outer space, the vacuum is not a vacuum, or there are other? Something? and also very lively, only we can not see it with the naked eye. In the vacuum, the ghost of positive and negative particles composed of virtual particle pairs appear out of thin air, but quickly disappeared, they borrowed energy from the vacuum, but also in the emergence of the rapid annihilation, the energy back to the vacuum, and does not violate the law of conservation of energy.

This quantum rise and fall is a real phenomenon that has been confirmed by the Casimir effect. It seems that the vacuum we live in is not empty, it is like an ocean of imaginary particle pairs constantly dancing, and physicists speculate that this universe of ours may currently be in a pseudo-vacuum, and that underneath it there is a true vacuum with lower and more stable energy. We know that energy always tends to be more stable, so our pseudo-vacuum has the possibility of decaying to the true vacuum, which is vacuum decay. Vacuum decay can take the lead from any location in the universe, and then continue to spread, the speed is the speed of light, the region where the vacuum decay occurs, that is really a dead silence, we know all the laws of physics are lost there, the elementary particles have disappeared, then there is no matter, with the destruction of the general.

I remember in a science fiction novel there is a depiction of vacuum decay, Earth scientists are preparing to build the highest energy level ever collider, the energy level may be higher than the Big Bang energy level, which may induce vacuum decay, here to say, from the pseudo-vacuum into a true vacuum is not a direct change so simple, the pseudo-vacuum needs a very high energy boost to cross the pseudo-vacuum - true vacuum barrier, to become a true vacuum. The pseudo-vacuum needs a very high energy boost to cross the pseudo-vacuum-true vacuum barrier and become a true vacuum, and there is another way to do it besides that, which is that quantum tunnelling just happens to have occurred.

Because the energy level of the collider built by Earth scientists was too high, this could have provided an opportunity for the pseudo-vacuum to decay into the true vacuum, thus triggering a cosmic warning mechanism that drew in the de-escalators in a higher civilization that dismantled the collider. Imagine if vacuum decay really had already happened somewhere, and not too far away from the solar system, wouldn't that be very scary? So it is the unknown, the mysterious, the unpredictable that is truly scary.

The speed of light limit

If we build a spaceship that travels very fast, it can't go faster than the speed of light, and that's the speed of light limit, which is the speed of light, and nothing with static mass can reach the speed of light. But the universe is so big and so vast, if there is no fast spaceship, we human beings may spend the whole life of their civilization can only hang around within the galaxy. It is impossible to contemplate how big the real universe is beyond the observable universe, let alone beyond the universe, and we may never know the deeper secrets of the universe.

Aliens (The Fermi Paradox)

Many sci-fi movies depict comical scenes of advanced alien civilizations coming thousands of miles to strut their stuff here on Earth, only to be taught a lesson by humans. That kind of optimism can only be found in movies; in reality, we have nothing to fight back with.

Fermi's paradox: One day in 1950, Fermi, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, had lunch with three physicists*** During the meal, Fermi and the three physicists talked about aliens. The others argued that even though the chance of a planet producing a civilization was extremely low, there were countless more planets in the universe, and the universe had such a long history, in which case the number of civilizations should be considerable. Assuming that a civilization is 1 million years more advanced than human civilization, and 1 million years is not a long time from the point of view of the universe, then this civilization will reach a point that we can't imagine. Theoretically, if human civilization were to be advanced by another 1 million years, we would have the strength to reach all corners of the Milky Way galaxy, and if that civilization and human civilization have similar evolutionary characteristics, then alien civilizations should have long ago discovered the Earth! But why is there still no evidence of their existence? At this time Fermi picked up the conversation and said? Where the hell are they?

It's not the Fermi paradox that's scary, it's all the scary explanations that come to mind when thinking about it. Like, for example, the one I'm thinking of right now, could an alien civilization be on its way here?