What is Alpha Brainwave Music?

Alpha wave music is a type of brainwave music that belongs to the brainwaves around 8-14 Hz and 60-70 beats per minute.

Alpha brainwaves are neural oscillations in the 8-12 Hz frequency range, one of the four basic brainwaves. And alpha brainwave music can bring people into the alpha brainwave state, which can be used to develop the brain, stimulate potential, and harmonize the body and mind.

Expanded Information:

Alpha Brainwave is a neural oscillation within the frequency range of 8-12Hz. It is one of the four basic brain waves, and was first discovered in 1908 by Dr. Hans Berg, an Austrian medical doctor, who called it the alpha wave.

Over the past hundred years, many scientists have spent a great deal of time studying alpha brain waves, and a wealth of knowledge and conclusions have been accumulated about the basic study of alpha brain waves. Sometimes it appears and sometimes it disappears in the brain; it is not always present. For example, there are no alpha waves in deep sleep situations; there are also no alpha brain waves in the brain if a person is in an agitated state, or when they are afraid or angry. It reduces feelings of tension, stress and anxiety, and this also boosts your immune system.

"Alpha brainwave music is different from ordinary classical music, alpha brainwave music is not used as art appreciation, but to develop the brain, stimulate potential, harmonize the body and mind. In terms of brain science, not all classical music can stimulate wonderful alpha brainwaves, and even in the same piece of music, not all the movements can relax and energize the body and mind, so there is a problem of choice. Only music with a beat of 60-70 and a frequency in the range of 8-14 HZ is true alpha brainwave music.

"Listening to alpha brainwave music method can increase alpha brainwaves in the brain, improve the efficiency of the brain and be creative.

"Alpha brainwave music is a kind of inspirational music, which arose in the European Renaissance, when the music master plays alpha music, he has to dissolve all the information in the universe, all the information in the nature, all the information of the living organisms all together, so the alpha music is the music of the potentiality. Potential exists in the right half of a person's brain, and the brain waves of the right brain's activity are in an alpha wave state.

Whether it is an adult or a child who listens to alpha brainwave music on a regular basis, the brain waves of the brain will remain in the alpha wave activity state.

The role of alpha brainwave music

"When we listen to alpha brainwave music, especially children, the brain brain will secrete a chemical substance, this chemical substance will be secreted more and more, this chemical substance is called endorphin, this kind of endorphin is conducive to promote the child's emotional stability, to keep him into the subconscious activity of the right brain This is the time when the child enters the space of infinite imagination, which means that alpha wave music is conducive to promoting the child's creativity and imagination, and at the same time, it can change the quality of the child's sleep.

For example, if a two or three year old child is crying and fussing, or is particularly irritable, and the parents listen to a moderate amount of alpha wave music every day, the child's diet and sleep will become more regular in about two to three months and be of a higher quality than before.

Alpha wave music also has the function of relieving stress,

"Frequently listening to alpha wave music, the brain is awake and relaxed, concentration, emotional stability and pleasure, memory, concentration, creativity, imagination, intuition is more and more accurate, more and more inspiration!

Baidu Encyclopedia - Alpha Wave Music