Product classification and breakdown are as follows:
(I), wire and cable (***5 kinds)
(II), circuit switches and electrical devices for protection or connection (***6 kinds)
(III), low-voltage electrical appliances (***9 kinds)
(IV), low-power motors (***1 kinds)
(V), Power Tools (***16 types)
(vi), Welding Machines (***15 types)
(vii), Household and Similar Purpose Equipment (***18 types)
(viii), Audio and Video Equipment Category (excluding Broadcasting Audio Equipment and Automobile Audio Equipment) (***16 types)
(ix), Information Technology Equipment (***12 types )
(x), Lighting Equipment (***2 types) (excluding lighting equipment with voltage lower than 36V)
(xi), Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (***9 types)
(xii), Motor Vehicles and Safety Accessories (***4 types)
(xiii), Motor Vehicle Tires (***3 types)
(xiv), Safety Glass (***3 kinds)
(xv), Agricultural Machinery Products (***1 kinds)
(xvi), Latex Products (***1 kinds)
(xvii), Medical Device Products (***7 kinds)
(xviii), Fire Fighting Products (***3 kinds)
(xix), Security Technology Prevention Products (***1 kinds) and so on. kinds) and so on.