Introduction to Health Checkups

Health checkup is a body checkup using medical means and methods, which here includes basic checkups in various clinical departments, including ultrasound, cardiology, radiology and other medical equipment checkups, as well as laboratory tests surrounding the human body's blood, urine and stool. A health checkup is a health-centered physical examination. General medical practitioners consider a health checkup to be a comprehensive examination of the body when it has not yet developed an obvious disease. It facilitates understanding of the body's condition and screening for physical illness. That is, the application of physical examination means of physical examination of healthy people, is "health checkup", or called "preventive health care physical examination".

Health checkups are used to understand the health status of the examinee, and based on the results of the checkups, it is clear whether there are any abnormal signs, and further analyze the nature of these abnormal signs. Some of the abnormal signs are physiological variations that can be reviewed regularly, while others may be risk factors for diseases that require intervention and correction through health promotion; and some are diagnostic for diseases that require further examination and diagnosis.

The physical examination is the first step in the diagnostic process of medical treatment, and it is a means of detecting symptoms or diseases and their associated factors. Because in the past, it was only when there was a disease that we went to the doctor, the medical examination for the purpose of diagnosing and treating the disease is generally referred to as the "medical examination". The medical checkups for procedures such as employment, school enrollment, enlistment in the military, driver's license, leaving the country, marriage, insurance, and so on, are medical checkups for a specific job or behavior, and are called "social medical checkups". The physical examination for the healthy or sub-healthy people who are not sick, are not sick or will be sick, belongs to the health physical examination.