The reason why the computer generates radiation, the reason why the TV generates radiation, the reason why the induction cooker generates radiation, the reason why the vacuum cleaner generates radiati

The reason why the computer generates radiation, the reason why the TV generates radiation, the reason why the induction cooker generates radiation, the reason why the vacuum cleaner generates radiation, electric blankets Television radiation is the cause of the working principle of the CRT, it is a cathode ray tube (Cathode Ray Tube) display, cathode ray tube is mainly composed of five parts: electron gun (Electron Gun), deflection coils (Defiection coils), the shade (Shadow mask), phosphor layer (Phosphor) and glass casing. Phosphor) and glass shell. It is currently one of the most widely used display devices.

The core component of the TV is the CRT tube, the working principle is that the tube uses an electron gun to emit high-speed electrons, through the vertical and horizontal deflection coil to control the deflection angle of high-speed electrons, and finally high-speed electrons hit the screen on the phosphor material to make it luminous, through the voltage to regulate the power of the electron beam, will be formed on the screen of the dark and light spots to form a variety of patterns and words

Because the CRT tube is the most widely used display component, it is one of the most widely used displays today. >

Because of the high voltage electron beam inside the picture tube, it is inevitable to produce X-ray, the larger the size of the X-ray is stronger.