VGA video capture card with USB?

There are USB capture cards, you can choose the VGA2USB external capture card under the brand name of Apfy

Apfy VGA2USB is an external VGA signal capture box, which is capable of capturing input VGA signals from Windows?PC systems, Apple OSX systems, Unix systems, embedded systems, medical equipment, scientific or laboratory equipment, etc., and transferring them back to the computer with a USB2.0 interface back to the computer, in a variety of forms of applications for image and video viewing and preservation. It is suitable for document preparation, monitoring system analysis and test system for reducing bad quality control. It supports any application that captures VGA images and provides an SDK.

1.?VGA2USB is easy to use as a compact external device. Small enough to fit in a shirt pocket, easy to plug in and requires no additional power supply.

2.?VGA2USB software saves and prints the captured image, which can be set to automatically acquire (or auto-save) the image at preset intervals to capture the image to record to disk or save as an AVI file (Windows platform only).? In addition, the VGA2USB software is compatible with Windows?DirectShow and Mac?OS?X?QuickTime, allowing third-party applications to use the VGA2USB as a video capture input, such as the windows?media?encoder program to produce wmv, Real?Producer?software to record rm, and so on. etc. As a fully featured VGA?/RGB capture hardware product, a software development kit SDK is provided for customer-specific application development.

3. With other Epiphan system products, VGA2USB can also realize:

Provide one-click printing solution (with VGA?Printer?)

Record DEMO demos, training videos, quality inspection and more applications

Remote conferencing, online training, tech support and demo

This is the first time that VGA2USB has been used in the market. p>VGA2USB wiring diagram

Specific application examples

Teaching courseware production;

Projection display word, excel, TXT text, PDF documents, text effect is clear;

Medical such as otorhinolaryngoscopes, endoscopes, gastroscopes, ultrasound equipment, etc. VGA image capture;

Remote streaming, video distribution. Video Distribution;