Is there a tariff for importing Siemens 128 row ct

No. According to the Catalogue of Major Technical Equipment and Products Supported by the State for Development (Revised in 2018) and the Catalogue of Imported Key Components and Raw Materials for Major Technical Equipment and Products (Revised in 2018), in the category of "digitalized medical imaging equipment, bio-engineering and special equipment for medical production", the following items are included in the category of "digitalized medical imaging equipment, bio-engineering and special equipment for medical production", including superconducting magnetic **** vibration systems, CTs with 64 rows or more (imported Siemens 128-row CTs belong to this category). In the category of "Digital Medical Imaging Equipment, Bioengineering and Specialized Equipment for Medical Production", including 1.5T and above superconducting magnetic **** vibration system, 64-row and above CT (imported Siemens 128-row CT belongs to this category), PET-CT, digital mammography, DR, magnetic **** vibration or CT-guided intra-operative real-time navigation equipment, 6MV and above high-energy medical linear gas pedals, as well as hemodialysis machines, and other medical equipment, the use of related accessories are exempted from customs duties and import-related value-added tax.