What is the phone number of Huayu Pinzheng (Henan) Technology Co.

Huayu Pinzheng (Henan) Technology Co., Ltd. contact information: the company's phone number 0371-88916055, 公司邮箱717965084@qq.com, the company has 3 contact information in the love of enterprise search ***, which has a phone number 1.

Company Profile:

Huayu Pinzheng (Henan) Science and Technology Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company established in 2020-05-09 in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, Zhongyuan District, the registered address is located in the High-tech Industrial Development Zone in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, Henan Province, No. 228, West Fourth Ring Road, No. 21, 10th Floor, Building 15.

Huayu Pinzheng (Henan) Science and Technology Co., Ltd. legal representative Chen Shan, registered capital of 1 million (yuan), is currently in business.

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