What about the surrounding facilities of Andayuan Community in Nanning?

Address of Andayuan Community: Didongkou Road, Xixiangtang District, near Hengyang West Road.

The supporting traffic resources within 1KM of the surrounding straight line are (Bai Cangling, Ming Xiu Road, Hengyang Underground Tunnel intersection, Hengyang Xiuling intersection, Bai Cangling, Bai Cangling (Bai Cangling subway station), Xiuling Road South, Hengyang Youai intersection, Hengyang Nantie Second Street, Youai Hengyang intersection and Youai Nanmian intersection).

there are 1 educational resources within 2KM (Party School of Nanning Municipal Committee of China * * * Production Party (Xixiangtang Branch), Weber International English Baptism Trusteeship Center, Baptism Education, Qin Studies Education, Morning Olympics Education, New Art Language Education, Winning Education, Guoze Education, Guangxi Xiaofuxin Education, and Star Art Education).

there are 8 medical resources in the 2KM surrounding area, among which the Eighth People's Hospital of Nanning (Didongkou Campus) is 427m away from the community, the Eighth People's Hospital of Nanning is 71m away from the community, the Sixth People's Hospital of Nanning is 1178m away from the community, Ruikang Hospital affiliated to guangxi university of chinese medicine is 1185m away from the community, and the First Affiliated Hospital of guangxi university of chinese medicine (Renai Branch) is 1481m away from the community. Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region National Hospital is 1697 meters away from the community, Nanning Red Cross Hospital is 1883 meters away from the community, and Nanning Seventh People's Hospital is 1925 meters away from the community, providing protection for medical needs.

The commercial facilities around Andayuan are: (Tinker Cat Children's Wear (Hengyang Road Store), Shibo Glasses (Hengyang Store), Hendry (Hengyang Store), Wang's Bee Garden (northwest of Andayuan), Nanning Junyong Bedclothes Business Department, Essence Glasses (Hengyang Store), Hengtu Convenience Store, Yibang Department Store, Qingfengxuan anime shop (Xiuling Road Store), and the fifth beat.

Click to view more: details of Andayuan Community.