During the epidemic, purchases of DR equipment peaked in March-April.
Demand for mobile machine purchases in particular soared. New York State, for example, ordered more than 1,000 of Caresteam's Mobile DR machines at one time in March. Another example is China's Baorun, which itself is a mobile machine manufacturer, and its benefits have followed suit this year. The increase in sales corresponds to a natural increase in the demand for personnel.
Medical devices are instruments, equipment, apparatus, in vitro diagnostic reagents and calibrators, materials and other similar or related items used directly or indirectly in the human body, including the required computer software.
Medical devices include medical equipment and medical consumables.
Utility is obtained primarily by physical and other means, not by pharmacological, immunological or metabolic means, or is involved but only in an ancillary manner.
The purpose is the diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment, or alleviation of disease; the diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, alleviation, or functional compensation of injury; the examination, replacement, regulation, or support of physiological structures or processes; the support or maintenance of life; the control of pregnancy; and the provision of information for medical or diagnostic purposes through the examination of specimens derived from the human body.
Reference for the above: Baidu Encyclopedia - Medical Devices