The tympanic membrane is also known as the tympanic membrane depression.

The tympanic membrane is also known as the tympanic membrane depression, in fact, refers to the human body tympanic membrane of the normal position of the change, from the original normal position to the internal depression, the tympanic membrane depression, the patient will appear in the ear, ear pain, tinnitus, and hearing loss, etc., a serious impact on the patient's daily life and work, so the patient would like to know, the tympanic membrane depression how to do?

For the treatment of tympanic membrane invagination, it is necessary to clarify the cause of the disease in order to take symptomatic and effective treatment, the key to treatment is to keep the Eustachian tube open, the patient if the symptom is not very serious, it is possible to temporarily do not need to be treated, the main focus on the observation of the main, because the patient tympanic membrane invagination is likely to disappear, or you can let the patient pinch his nose, do closed mouth puffing action, help to adjust the airflow of the ear canal.

It's a good idea to have a good time, but I'm not sure if it's a good time.

If the tympanic membrane invagination is caused by primary diseases, such as inflammation of the ear and nose, it is necessary to take oral medication, including the need for oral anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs to promote the discharge of mucus, and a number of nasal sprays or nasal drops and other drugs, for the inflammation of the situation is more serious patients may need to take the intravenous infusion of fluids, and when the general treatment and the effect of medication is not much, it is necessary to carry out surgical treatment. When the effect of general treatment and medication is not enough, then surgical treatment is needed.

The tympanic membrane implantation surgical treatment is to take the tympanic membrane puncture, the use of artificial methods to make the eardrum position hole, the use of this hole to help the eardrum fluid can be discharged smoothly, the tympanic membrane puncture is a relatively simple surgery, the surgical process will be carried out with local anesthesia, to help alleviate the pain caused by puncture, the same day after the operation can return to normal life and work, no need to be hospitalized for observation, and the puncture hole can be closed on the next day. The puncture hole can be closed the next day.