First of all, the equipment itself should already have a ray shielding device. For example, protective lead plates and lead glass, and secondly, the head of the tube should have a light gate or a shield of a kind of thing, the main irradiation surface should be airtight. As for the part of the leakage and dispersion, the measurement is smaller relative to the surface to be irradiated, and the wavelength becomes longer. The harm to the human body can be considered smaller. If you are still not sure, unit related equipment should be similar to the side of the lead screen and other protective equipment, hide behind it is more foolproof. x-rays will not turn. If you don't feel comfortable with the idea, you can run away from the computer and run until you are 20 meters away from the accident~~~and then you will be safe.
By definition, ray detection is considered a high-risk industry special types of work, should be a yearly physical examination. But do fluorescence personnel irradiated by the annual effective dose equivalent many times simply not possible to exceed the line of 5mSv, not at all high-risk ......
Moreover, the atmosphere itself is the existence of x-ray radiation ......
That being said, it's a good idea to stay away from that stuff a little bit after marriage from the time you plan to get pregnant. It is said that the first trimester of conception seems to be more dangerous