Guangzhou Gang Ding assembly computer

At least 2200 or so.

CPU AMD Athlon64 X2 4600+ AM2(box/65nm) ¥ 345

Motherboard 映泰 GF8100-M2G+ ¥ 399

Memory Kingston 1GB DDR2 800 1234 ¥ 95

Hard disk WD caviar 250G 7200 rpm 8M(Serial) 1234 ¥ 299

LCD Great Wall M915 1 ¥ 660

Chassis According to their own preferences, you can control the 250 or so

Keyboard and Mouse BenQ Dualless Ranger Set 1 ¥ 70

Speaker Endeavour SPS-830G 08 Edition 1 ¥ 99

Price is about 2200. In fact, there are acquaintances in the computer company can be a little less, at least 2000 out of the head can be bought.