Experiments have proved that the plasma gas layer surrounded by such as airplanes, ships, satellites and other surfaces, when the radar wave touches the layer of special gas, due to the plasma layer of radar waves have a special absorption and refraction characteristics, so that the reflection back to the radar receiver's energy is very little. For example, the application of such discrete technology can make a 13-centimeter-long microwave reflector radar average cross-section in the frequency range of 4 to 14 GHz average reduction of 20 decibels, that is, the radar to obtain the echo energy reduced to the original 1%. The U.S. Hughes Laboratory has conducted experiments in this regard.
Application of bionic technology
Tests have proved that the seagulls, although similar to the size of the form of Yan Bago, but the seagulls of the radar reflective cross-section than the Yan Bago 200 times larger. Bees are smaller than sparrows, but their radar cross section is 16 times larger than that of sparrows. Concerned scientists are studying these phenomena and trying to adopt bionic technology to seek new stealth technology.
Applying Microwave Propagation Indication Technology
This technology uses computers to predict the propagation of radar waves in the atmosphere. Changes in the atmosphere (such as changes in humidity, temperature, etc.) can make the radar wave action distance changes, so that the radar coverage produces "gaps" (i.e., blind zones), at the same time radar wave propagation in the atmosphere to form a "propagation channel", its energy is concentrated in the "channel". The energy is concentrated in the "wave channel", "wave channel" outside almost no energy. If the assault weapon in the radar coverage area of the "gap" or "channel" outside through, you can avoid the detection of enemy radar and smooth breakout.