Water dispenser five-stage filtration assembly method

Five-stage filtration of water dispenser refers to the use of different technical means to filter out all kinds of substances in the air, water, food, etc., to ensure the safety and hygiene of drinking water. Five-stage filter is generally divided into coarse filter, granular activated carbon filter, precision filter, reverse osmosis membrane filter and post activated carbon filter.

The five-stage filter generally has two assembly methods: line connection type and screwed. The following is a description of these two assembly methods.

Line connection type:

1. The filter inside the filter is assembled, according to the order of coarse filter, granular activated carbon filter, precision filter, reverse osmosis membrane filter and post activated carbon filter.

2. Connect the filters, it should be noted that the pressure reducing valve should be connected with the reverse osmosis membrane filter between a 1/4 white pipe.

3. Connect the filter with four yellow tubes and white soft plastic tubes, and then connect the faucet.

4. Turn on the power and you can start using it.


1. Assemble the filter, the assembly order is the same coarse filter, granular activated carbon filter, precision filter, reverse osmosis membrane filter and post activated carbon filter.

2. Fasten the connector of the reverse osmosis membrane filter to the pressure drum (need to ensure the sealing of the connector).

3. Fasten the quick connector of the membrane filter to the faucet (the water inlet and outlet of the membrane filter should be separated).

4. Fill the pressure bucket.

5. Connect the white soft plastic tube to the inlet port of the membrane filter and insert it into the water pipe of the membrane filter.

6. Insert the yellow hard plastic tube into the water outlet of the filter.

7. Connect the yellow tube from the pressure bucket to the water inlet of the filter.

8. Install the unit for the post activated carbon filter at the faucet.

9. Connect the power supply of the five-stage filter and start using it.

Overall, the water dispenser five-stage filter installation * method is not difficult, but pay attention to the tightness and joints sealing. When installing the filter, follow the steps in the manual, and not to disassemble the combination at will. This will ensure the filtering effect of the filter and the safety and hygiene of drinking water.