Directly using the radiation detector can be tested.
Radiation detector is used to measure high-energy, low-energy x, γ-rays of the instrument. R-PD intelligent х-γ radiation meter using highly sensitive scintillation crystal as a detector, fast response time, for monitoring a variety of radioactive workplace x, γ-rays, radiation dose rate of the special instrument.
Radiation detection instruments have a wider dose rate measurement range, and can accurately measure high-energy, low-energy x, γ rays, with good energy response characteristics.
Expanded Information:
Electromagnetic Radiation Standard:
GB/T8702-1998 Electromagnetic Radiation Protection Provisions, the standard applies to the Chinese People's * * * * and the country within the electromagnetic radiation pollution generated by all units and individuals, all facilities or equipment, the applicable frequency range of 100KHz-300GHz, excluding medical or diagnostic irradiation arranged for the patient.
Occupational exposure in the daily 8h work period, any 6min consecutive by the whole body average specific absorption rate should be less than 0.1w/kg. public exposure in the 24h a day, any 6min consecutive by the whole body specific absorption rate should be less than 0.02w/kg. the standard derives a different frequency range of occupational exposure and public exposure to the electric field strength, magnetic field strength, power density, and Provides for the management of electromagnetic radiation, monitoring requirements.
Aiming at the problem of long age and confusing content of the above standards, the General Armament Department took the lead in merging and harmonizing the seven national military standards on electromagnetic protection formulated since 1984, and considering the concepts of "exposure" and "limit value" and redefining the concept of "exposure limit value". And redefine the "exposure limit value" of GJB 5313 "electromagnetic radiation exposure limits and measurement methods" standard, in 2004 introduced the official version.
The latest formulation of the "GB/T 23463-2009 Protective Clothing Microwave Radiation Protective Clothing" standard, the provisions of the GJB5313 exposure limits and workplace electromagnetic radiation field strength calculated at least after having the shielding effectiveness of electromagnetic radiation protective clothing.
Likewise, whether the public need to wear electromagnetic shielding protective clothing, but also as long as the standard proposed by the corresponding frequency exposure limit and the actual electromagnetic field strength of the environment, you can draw conclusions.
Baidu Encyclopedia - Radiation Detector
Baidu Encyclopedia - Electromagnetic Radiation Detector