Potentiometer principle and use of data processing

Potentiometer principle displacement sensor in the wiring should be carefully viewed before the sensor housing marked on the wiring diagram, and in accordance with the marked wiring diagram wiring. 1 # line connected to the power supply positive, 3 # line connected to the power supply negative, 2 # line connected to the signal input, and another thicker line for the ground.

Based on the sliding potentiometer design of the linear displacement sensor is the displacement sensor in the structure of the simplest, the principle of the simplest high-precision displacement measurement with electronic components. The sensor is an absolute position measurement type displacement sensor, the output is the absolute value, rather than the need to re-amplify the proportional signal processing, the product does not have too many internal electronic components, so the failure rate of such products is extremely low, the human factor is the main factor leading to sensor damage. Because the user is not the correct wiring caused by the linear displacement sensor destruction of the fault in the return to the factory maintenance varieties of the most common.

Linear displacement sensor is also known as electronic ruler, resistance ruler, mainly for injection molding machines, die-casting machines, rubber machines and other industrial equipment, automated measurement and control systems, in the automotive, robotics, robotics, recreational facilities, engineering equipment, medical equipment and scientific research and experimental equipment also has a relatively wide range of applications, is the displacement sensor industry's most important classic products. The internal structure of the linear displacement sensor is similar to that of a sliding varistor, which is also commonly used as a voltage dividing potentiometer. The sensor is mainly composed of sliding brushes, carbon film substrate, alloy shell and other accessories, the measured equipment moving parts through the connecting device and the sensor rod or slider connection, drive the sliding brushes in the carbon film substrate reciprocating motion, the output of the DC voltage signal, the displacement, size and other physical quantities are converted into an easy to measure the electrical signal.

The sensor lead line *** there are three lines, respectively, the power supply positive, power negative and signal output line. In addition to the power supply and power supply negative two lines can be switched (after switching the sensor output logic direction change), the signal output line can only be connected with the control system signal line terminals. If the wrong power supply line into the sensor signal line, there will be a large error in the measurement data, the control effect is very poor phenomenon, both may appear digital jumping problem. If the sensor lever is at the innermost or outermost end (access to the circuit part of the carbon film substrate resistance value of 0), the linear displacement sensor will be instantly destroyed. Therefore, before wiring the linear displacement sensor, you should carefully check the wiring diagram labeled on the sensor housing and wire it according to the labeled wiring diagram. Usually Miron series linear displacement sensor is a brown line connected to the power supply positive, blue line connected to the power supply negative, black line connected to the signal output, and a thicker line for the shielding wire, is used to ground. Users are not sure how to wire is correct, should contact the manufacturer's staff in a timely manner, under the guidance of the manufacturer's installation and use, to avoid greater losses due to incorrect wiring.