Decision of Wuxi Municipal People's Government on Cleaning Up Municipal Regulations and Normative Documents

I. Of the 106 existing municipal regulations, 83 were decided to remain in force, 19 were repealed and declared invalid, and 4 were revised. Second, in the current 1017 pieces of municipal government regulatory documents, decided to continue to be effective 238 pieces, repealed and declared invalid 778 pieces, modify 1 piece. Third, the decision to continue to effective municipal regulations and normative documents, can be used as the basis for administrative management. Fourth, the decision to repeal and declare invalid municipal regulations and normative documents, shall not continue to serve as the basis for administrative management. Fifth, the establishment of municipal government regulations and normative documents long-term cleaning mechanism. Decide to continue to be effective municipal government regulations and normative documents, and national laws and regulations conflict with the provisions of national laws and regulations shall prevail, the corresponding areas and departments should be combined with the provisions of laws and regulations and the city's economic and social development needs, on a regular basis or at the right time to the municipal government to clean up the proposal. Sixth, the municipal government to establish regulations and normative documents uniform release platform, to the public release of the current effective municipal government regulations and normative documents, for citizens, legal persons or other organizations to provide query services.

This decision shall come into force from June 1, 2018 onwards.

Attachment: 1. Municipal Regulations and Normative Documents Decided to Remain in Force

2. Municipal Regulations and Normative Documents Decided to be Modified

3. Municipal Regulations and Normative Documents Decided to be Abolished and Declared Invalid

Annex 1

Municipal Regulations and Normative Documents Decided to Remain in Force

Serial No. Name of the Document Document No.1 Interim Provisions on Prohibition of Smoking in Public **** Places in Wuxi City, February 1995, Municipal Government Decree No.19.2 Measures for the Administration of Funeral in Wuxi City, March 1998, Municipal Government Decree No.36; Modified by Municipal Government Decree No.73, July 2004.3 Decision to Abolish 80 Government Regulations and Normative Documents, April 1998, Municipal Government Decree No.38.4 Interim Provisions on the Responsibility System of Administrative Law Enforcement in Wuxi City, June 1998, Municipal Government Decree No.39 Wuxi Municipal Government Decree No. 39, June 1998; amended by Municipal Government Decree No. 97, December 20075 Measures for the Administration of Blood Donation in Wuxi Municipality, Municipal Government Decree No. 44, May 19996 Provisional Measures for the Administration of the National Flag in Wuxi Municipality, Municipal Government Decree No. 48, September 1999; amended by Municipal Government Decree No. 97, December 20077 Provisions on People's Air Defense in Wuxi Municipality, Municipal Government Decree No. 51, April 2000 Revised by Decree No. 73 of the Municipal Government in July 2004; Revised by Decree No. 106 of the Municipal Government in November 2008; Revised by Decree No. 116 of the Municipal Government in November 20108 Measures for the Administration of Statistics in Wuxi City Decree No. 57 of the Municipal Government in December 20019 Provisions on the Administration of Keeping the Facade of Urban Buildings and Structures Tidy and Clean in Wuxi City Decree No. 58 of the Municipal Government in February 2002; Revised by Decree No. 116 of the Municipal Government in November 2010 No. 116, November 2010.10 Administrative Provisions on Termite Prevention and Control for Wuxi City Houses No. 59, April 2002; No. 195, August 2003; No. 116, November 2010.11 Provisions on the Filing and Examination of Normative Documents in Wuxi Municipality No. 60, April 2002; No. 116, November 2010.11 Provisions on the Filing and Examination of Normative Documents in Wuxi Municipality No. 60, April 2010.12 Provisions on the Administration of Keeping Clean the External Facades of Urban Buildings and Structures No. 57, December 2001.13 Revised by Municipal Government Decree No. 116 in November, 201012Decision of the Municipal Government on Repealing and Revising Some Municipal Government Regulations and Normative Documents Formulated before the End of 2001, Municipal Government Decree No. 61 in April, 200213Methods for the Administration of Pig Slaughtering and Sales in Wuxi Municipality, Municipal Government Decree No. 65 in August, 2002; Revised by Municipal Government Decree No. 73 in July, 200414Methods for the Administration of Gas in Wuxi Municipality April 2003 Municipal Government Decree No. 68; July 2004 Municipal Government Decree No. 73 Revision 15 Measures for the Protection of Historic Districts in Wuxi Municipality December 2003 Municipal Government Decree No. 70; September 2007 Municipal Government Decree No. 91 Revision 16 Measures for the Administration of Commodity Barcodes in Wuxi Municipality April 2004 Municipal Government Decree No. 72 17 Municipal Government on the Abolition and Revision of Part of Municipal Government Rules and Regulations and the Revision of Part of Administrative License Items Documents and Decision on Cancelling or Changing the Management of Some Administrative License Items July 2004 Municipal Government Decree No. 73 18 Measures for the Administration of Construction and Use of People's Air Defense Projects in Wuxi November 2004 Municipal Government Decree No. 75; November 2010 Municipal Government Decree No. 116 Revised 19 Measures for the Protection of Airspace Environment at Wuxi Shuofang Airport January 2005 Municipal Government Decree No. 76 Amended by Decree No. 116 of the Municipal Government in November 201020 Measures for the Collection of Archival Materials in Wuxi Municipality Decree No. 79 of the Municipal Government in December 200521 Measures for the Administration of the Work of Eliminating the Four Pests in Wuxi Municipality Decree No. 80 of the Municipal Government in December 200522 Measures for the Administration of Outdoor Advertisements in the Urban Area of Wuxi Municipality Decree No. 82 of the Municipal Government in April 2006; Amended by Decree No. 128 of the Municipal Government in October 201223 Measures for the Administration of Water Conservation in Wuxi City, August 2006, Municipal Government Decree No. 85 24 Measures for the Protection of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities in Wuxi City, December 2006, Municipal Government Decree No. 86 25 Measures for the Implementation of the System of Responsible Areas for Cityscape and Sanitation in Urban Areas of Wuxi City, August 2007, Municipal Government Decree No. 89

26 Decision of the People's Government of Wuxi Municipality on the Revision of Measures for the Protection of Historical Neighborhoods of Wuxi City September 2007 Municipal Government Decree No. 91 27 Measures for the Construction and Management of Parking Lots (Storages) in Urban Areas of Wuxi City September 2007 Municipal Government Decree No. 92 28 Interim Measures for Reporting and Investigating and Dealing with Production Safety Accidents in Wuxi City October 2007 Municipal Government Decree No. 93; July 2011 Municipal Government Decree No. 122 Revised 29 Measures for Supervision and Inspection of the Circulation of Cereals and Oils in Wuxi City November 2007 Municipal Government Decree No. 94, November 2010; amended by Municipal Government Decree No. 11630 Measures for the Protection of Drinking Water Sources in Wuxi Municipality, November 2007; Municipal Government Decree No. 9531 Implementing the Measures for Selection and Management of Model Workers in Wuxi Municipality.