I have a red birthmark on the left side of my face, near my neck.

Category: Healthcare

Description of the problem:

The left side of my face, close to the neck with a red birthmark, not too big, from birth, born or a point, now more than 20 years, become larger, I also asked the possibility of laser treatment, but do not do not clean, I am not willing to operate, will leave a scar, I am in Beijing, there is no treatment of a good beauty salon plastic surgery hospitals, or good method, thank you. I'm in Beijing, there is no treatment of good beauty salon plastic surgery hospital or good method, thank you.


If the birthmark is not in the exposed parts can not be treated, if exposed and affect the aesthetic can be considered for treatment. The treatment can be done with a laser.

The term "birthmark" is not a diagnostic term, but a generic term for a congenital skin abnormality. In fact, "birthmark" is only a part of the congenital skin abnormalities, many congenital skin pigmentation changes do not necessarily exist at birth, but after a long time after birth. Such as freckles usually appear in the school age, pigmented nevus hair epidermis often in the teenage years before the obvious, some patients with nevus of Ota is even localized trauma only after the appearance.

Birthmarks generally do not affect the health, but a very small number of birthmarks will be combined with abnormal body organs, and even the possibility of malignant changes, birthmarks in exposed areas not only affect the image of people's appearance, but also to the quality of life, work and employment, etc. have brought great trouble. Director Yin said, at present, "birthmark" the cause of the occurrence is not very clear, Xiaoli was born right around the eye with black spots, with age, the black spots are getting bigger and bigger, and then after a detailed examination, found that Xiaoli's right side of the face, forehead, around the right eye socket, including part of the cornea of the eye, are black.

■Laser treatment of various birthmarks is more clear

For birthmarks, in the past, the medical application of many ways to solve the problem, such as: skin grafting, skin abrasion, liquid nitrogen cryotherapy, superficial radiation, isotope therapy, high-frequency electrotherapy, etc., but these treatments or due to the lower efficacy, or due to the unavoidable adverse reactions, such as causing the formation of scars, pigmentation or pigmentation However, these therapies either have low efficacy or inevitable adverse reactions such as scar formation, hyperpigmentation or pigmentation loss and other serious complications, which limit the application in the treatment of "birthmarks". It was not until the 1980s that the advent of new lasers made a substantial breakthrough in the treatment of these diseases.

Laser treatment of birthmarks uses the heat generated by laser irradiation to destroy abnormal pigment cells or blood vessels in the skin without harming normal epidermal cells and other tissues in the dermis, thus effectively removing pigmentation or vascular lesions without leaving scars.

The laser's efficacy for various birthmarks is relatively charm II 6 miscellaneous 诒砬车钠し羲鸷θ缛缛赴折折餉脤? The laser can also be used to treat the skin's appearance. The actual laser can be used to make a lot of money and also to make a lot of money. The following is a list of the most popular products. The actual color of the color of the light is Ze. What are the reasons for this? What is the name of the organization? What's the name of the company? In harvest? The treatment can make the skin lesions disappear completely and the skin return to normal. -6 laser treatments can make the patient's lesions completely disappear, the skin back to normal; bright red nevus and other skin vascular disease laser treatment effect is also very significant. Although doctors will choose different lasers for different "birthmarks", the general process is basically the same. Most lesions require multiple treatments, usually every three months or so. Each treatment takes about a few minutes to a few minutes, after the treatment may appear local oozing, scabs, swelling and even blisters, but about a week later the scabs fall off, during this period of attention to protect the wound, avoid sunlight.

■ Air Force General Hospital Laser Center experts reminded: the sooner the better to remove birthmarks

Birthmarks, if long in the face, hands and feet and other parts of the patient's psychological stress, especially children, more likely to grow up in the process of low self-esteem or autism tendency. At the same time, birthmarks with the growth of children, the area will gradually increase, like bright red nevus may also gradually appear skin hypertrophy, facial organ deformation, a lot of bleeding and other phenomena. Moreover, according to the survey, the effect of laser treatment of birthmarks is significantly better for children than for adults. Therefore, children with birthmarks should be treated early, preferably before school age, as long as parents and children can cooperate, two months old children can be laser treatment.

■The treatment of birthmarks, how to choose the right institution

Director Yin said that any treatment should be honest, to protect the safety and efficacy. At present, the development of medical level is not balanced, the laser equipment is also good and bad, some beauty institutions from the economic interests of the use of a variety of Chinese medicine, external and chemical peeling methods, but also to take radioactive therapy, isotopes and other methods of treatment of nevus of ota, nevus of bright red, there are some medical institutions do not have the clinical experience, the blind introduction of the laser has been eliminated to the patient's treatment, which is the patients are This is also one of the causes of medical disfigurement. The only way to avoid being cheated is to understand the nature of the birthmark and the treatment method.

Laser treatment of birthmarks is a medical behavior, according to the relevant national health regulations, must have the appropriate qualifications of physicians and hospitals are qualified to carry out this treatment. Experts reminded us that the best choice for the treatment of birthmarks is to choose a regular, strong, carry out laser technology for a long time, because these hospitals have strong technical force, the introduction of equipment and updated in a timely manner, but also, the diagnosis of the disease is clear, and can do the "symptomatic treatment" to avoid cosmetic disfigurement of the things that happen.