Product principle: SJZ-A myopia therapeutic apparatus Working principle: The therapeutic hood controlled by microcomputer can simulate the resonant biological field and traditional Chinese medicine moxibustion field similar to the inherent biological electromagnetic field of eye tissue. Resonance biological field combined with moxibustion field of traditional Chinese medicine acts on 22 acupoints of the eye. Through resonance massage and moxibustion at 22 acupoints, such as mystery, rotation, temple and four whites. , can dredge meridians, harmonize qi and blood, activate tissue cells, supplement nutrition and energy, so as to achieve the purpose of relieving eye muscle fatigue, ciliary muscle spasm, eye tissue function recovery and function enhancement.
Product features: rapid treatment: 15 minutes to eliminate visual fatigue, 3 minutes to cure pseudomyopia, 10 minutes to take off 100 degree glasses. Prevention is very simple: using Saijingdi Health Care 2-3 times a week for 1 quarter of an hour can effectively prevent the occurrence and rebound of myopia.
Safe and reliable: no surgery, no medication, pure physical therapy is safe and has no side effects. One-time investment guarantee 12 years. What's the difference between myopia therapeutic apparatus and similar products on the market at present? The principle of Sai Jing Di myopia therapeutic apparatus is based on biomagnetic therapy and moxibustion in traditional Chinese medicine, which can effectively treat pseudomyopia, mixed myopia and mild true myopia. Most of other similar products only have a certain curative effect on pseudomyopia, and have strong dependence and high rebound probability.