Request Foreign Language Education and Research Press Middle School Grade 3 English module1 word list

New Target English Vocabulary List for Ninth Grade

New Target Junior High School Grade 9 (Renjiao Edition)

Not at all

Not at all (根本);全然(不)

Voice [v3is]


slowly ['sl4uli]

adv. slowly; slowly

sentence ['sent4ns]

n. sentence

enjoy doing

enjoy doing ......; delight in doing ......< /p>

laugh at

joke; make fun of (someone)

excited [ik'saitid]

adj. thrilled; excited

secret ['si:krit]

n. secret

quickly ['kwikli]< /p>

adv. quickly; swiftly

fast [fa:st]

adv. quickly; swiftly

later on

later; subsequently

skill [skill]

n. skill; technique

term [t4:m]

n. semester

speaker ['spi:k4]

n. speaker

challenge ['t51l4nd9]

n. challenge

make up

compose; constitute

native ['neitiv]

adj. native; indigenous

add [1d]

v. to say again; to continue to say

aloud [4'laud]

adv. to make a noise; to speak aloud

be afraid to

be afraid to do... ...

comma ['k3m4]

n. comma

complete [k4m'pli:t]

adj. complete; fully

differently ['dif4r4ntli]

adv. differently

end up

end; end up

flashcard ['fl15k2:d]

n. (for teaching purposes) a drawing card (with words, etc., which the teacher draws out one by one, and to which he asks the pupils to give immediate answers)

frustrate [fr8s'treit]

v. . to disappoint


adj. depressing; disappointing

grammar ['gr1m4]

n. grammar

impress [im'pres, 'impres]

v. to move; to give ...... impressed

learner ['l4:n4]

n. learner

make mistakes

make a mistake; go wrong

memorize ['mem4raiz]

v. To memorize

pronounce [pr4'nauns]

v. to pronounce ......; to spit (words, sounds, etc.)correctly (or clearly)

pronunciation [pr4'n8nsi'ei54n]

n. ( of a language)

solution [s4'lju:54n]

n. (of a problem, difficulty, etc.) resolution; answer

specific [spi'sifik]

adj. p>adj. spoken; oral; verbal

take notes

taking notes; taking notes

sure [5u4]

adv. undoubtedly

be interested in

to ... . interested in

dark [da:k]

n. & adj. dark

main [mein]

adj. major

on [3n]

adj. open; connected; working

used to

used to

chew [t5u:]

v. to chew; masticate

gum [g8m]

n. chewing gum

insect ['insekt]

n. insect

spider ['spaid4]<

n. spider

terrify ['terifai]

v. to frighten

right [right]

adv. immediately; at once

comic ['k3mik]

n. >

be good for

be good for ......

driver ['draiv4]

n. driver; chauffeur

drive [draiv]

v. to drive; motoring

license ['lais4ns]

n. license; permit

instead of

instead of; instead of

be strict with

be strict with ......

allow [4'lau]

v. to allow; permit

describe [dis'kraib]

v. to depict; describe

at present

present; now

concentrate ['k3ns4ntreit]

v. Concentrate

earring ['i4ri6]

n. earring

English-English dictionary

English-English dictionary

learn from

learn from ......

local ['l4uk4l]

adj. local; locally

perform [p4'f3:m]

v. to act; perform

pierce [pi4s]

v. to pierce; puncture

silly ['sili]

adj. stupid; silly

stay up

not to go to sleep; stay up late

the other day

a few days ago; the other day

volunteer ['v3l4n'ti4]

v. & n. to volunteer; voluntary service; volunteers< /p>

primary ['praim4ri]

adj. primary; elementary

bother ['b304]

v. to disturb; disrupt

tie [tai]

n. necktie

million ['milj4n]

n. p>n. million

trouble ['tr8bl]

n. annoyance; distress; worry

plenty ['plenti]

adj. a lot of; enough

research [ri's4:t5]

n. research; investigation

pretty ['priti]

adv. quite; quite; very

public ['p8blik]

n. & adj. public; open

confident ['k3nfid4nt]

adj. self-confident; assured

energetic ['en4'd9etik]

adj. vigorous; energetic

fairly ['fA4li]

adv. fairly

get along with

with... . get along

in public

in public; publicly

let down

disappoint or discourage ......

listener ['lisn4]

n. listener ; listener

lottery ['lat4ri]

n. a lottery

medical ['medik4l]

adj. medical; medical

normal ['n3:m4l]

adj. normal; usual

permission [p4'mi54n]

n. to allow; license; permit

pimple ['pimpl]

n. (med.) a small pustule; pimple

represent ['repri'zent]

v. to stand for; to represent

slight [slait]

adj. insignificant; extremely unimportant

social ['s4u54l]

adj. social; sociable

stone [st4un]

n. stone

belong [bi'l36]

< p>v. to belong

appointment [4'p3intm4nt]

n. dating

poor [pu4]

adj. poor; impoverished

drop [dr3p]

v . fall

count [kaunt]

v. count; value

wake [weik]

v. wake; get up

plate [pleit]

n. plate

worried ['w8rid]

adj. troubled

neighbor ['neib4]

n. neighbor

picnic ['piknik]

n. an outing picnic

because of


ocean ['4u54n]

n. sea; ocean

toy [t3i]

n. toy

finger ['fi6g4]

n. finger

algebra ['1ld9ibr4]

n. algebra; math

ant [1nt]

n. ant

author ['3:74]

n. writer

bark [ba:k]

v. (dog, etc.) to bark

chase [t5eis]

v. to catch up

Chinese-English Dictionary

Chinese-English Dictionary

creative. /p>

creature ['kri:t54]

n. a creature; an animal

crucial ['kru:5i4l]

adj. critical

director [di'rekt4]

n. a decision-maker; a director; a director

dishonest [dis'3nist]

adj. dishonest

extremely [iks'tri:mli]

adv. extremely

garbage ['ga:bid9]

n. garbage; waste

hair band

hair band

mystery ['mist4ri]

n. the uncanny

optometrist [3p't3mitrist]

n. an optometrist

Oxford University

Oxford University

pretend [pri'tend]

v. pretend

separate ['sep4reit, 'sep4rit]

v. divide; separate

symphony ['simf4ni]

n. symphony

use up <

exhausted; used up; exhausted

escape [is'keip]

v. to run away

band [b1nd]

n. to bring

attempt [4'tempt]

v. to try; to attempt

wife [waif]

n. (pl. wives)wife

horse [h3:s]

n. horse

prefer [pri'f4:]

v. to love more; prefer

class [kla:s]

n. rank; category

exhibition ['eksi'bi54n]

v. & n. an exhibition; fair

show [54u]

n. an exhibition; fair

photograph ['f4ut4gra:f]

n. a photograph; photo

interest ['intrist]

v. to draw ...... attention to; to interest ......

Indian ['indj4n]

adj. & n. India of; Indian(s)

Italian [i't1lj4n]

adj. & n. Italian; Italian(s)

on display

exhibition; display

display [dis'plei]

v. & n. Exhibition; display

photography [f4't3gr4fi]

n. photography; photographic

energy ['en4d9i]

n. vigor; strength

entertainment ['ent4'teinm4nt]

n. Fun; pleasure

feature ['fi:t54]

n. characteristic; trait

fisherman ['fi54m4n]

n. (pl. fishermen) a fisherman; fisherman

gallery ['g1l4ri]

n. Art gallery; gallery

gentle ['d9entl]

adj. light; low

honest ['3nist]

adj. honest; sincere

known [n4un]

adj. famous; well known

lyric ['lirik]

n. lyrics; lyrical phrases

photographer [f4't3gr4f4]

n. photographer; photographed

remind . .of

remind; bring to mind

suggest [s4'd9est]

v. to bring to mind; to bring to mind

Yellow River

Yellow River

Yellow River

suit [sju:t]

v. to fit

catch up

catch up; catch up

forest ['f3rist]

n. forest; woodland

offer ['3f4]

v. to offer; to give

pack [p1k]

v. to put ... . pack

spot [sp3t]

n. place; locality

light [lait]

adj. light

explore [iks'pl3:]

v. to explore; examine

surf [s4: . f]

v. to surf; to do surfing

fall [f3:l]

n. (often pl) a waterfall

provide [pr4'vaid]

v. to offer; to supply

heavy ['hevi]

adj. a great deal; much


n. customer; consumer

educational ['edju'kei54nl]

adj. educated; educated

exotic [ig'z3tik]

adj. of foreign origin; of foreign production

< p>fascinating ['f1sineiti6]

adj. fascinating; greatly attractive

historic [his't3rik]

adj. historically famous; historically significant

stele ['sti:li]

n. . stone monument; stone pillar

thrilling ['7rili6]

adj. exciting; shocking

tiring ['tairi6]

adj. causing fatigue

botanical [b4't1nikl]

adj. botanical; botanical

Confucius [k4n'fju:5i4s]

n. Confucius

downtown ['daun'taun]

n. (of a town) a business district; the central area

firm [f4:m]

n. p>get around

sightseeing; walking around

jungle ['d986gl]

n. tropical jungle; dense forest

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls

peaceful ['pi:sful]

adj. calm; serene; peaceful

private ['praivit]

adj. private; privately owned

Singapore [`si6g4'p3:]


site [sait]

n. a place; premises

spotlight ['sp3tlait]

n. center of public attention

take it easy

condescending; easy; not nervous

the Forest of Steles

The Forest of Steles (in Xi'an, Shaanxi)

touristy [' tu4risti]

adj. a lot of tourists

trek [trek]

v. to travel (slowly or with difficulty); to travel long distances

repair [ri'pA4]

v. to repair; mend

major ['meid94]

adj. major; significant

sign [sain]

n. sign; signboard

similar ['simil4]

adj. resembling; similar

put off

postpone; delay

clean up

To clean up; to freshen up


n. (radio or television) to listen to (view) a live program of a call-in caller

call up

call ......; call in

cheer up

to cheer up; to cheer up


n. to clean up; to clean

coach [k4ut5]

v. to train; to instruct

commitment [k4'mitm4nt]

n. to give; to dedicate oneself to

establish [is' t1bli5]

v. to build; to construct; to set up

fix up

repair; mend

give away

give away; distribute

give out

distribute; dispense

hand out

distribute; dispense

homeless ['h4umlis]

adj. without a home

hunger ['h86g4]

n. to be hungry; to starve

not...any more

no longer... ...

run out of

exhausted; exhausted

set up

establish; create; start up

strategy ['str1tid9i]

n. method; tactic

take after

(in appearance, character, etc.) resembling (one's parents)

toothbrush ['tu:7br85]

n. toothbrush

veterinarian [vet4ri'nA4ri4n]

n. veterinarian (U.S.A.)

work out

ending ; to the end; resulting in

rush [r85]

v. rush; run

ring [ri6]

v. chime; ring

bell [bel]

n. a bell; a chime

lock [l3k]

v. lock; lock up

show [54u]

n. to perform; to display; to show off

get married

empty ['empty]

adj. empty; idle

on time


marry ['m1ri]< /p>

v. to marry; wed; marry ......

describe [dis'kraib]

v. to describe; portray

embarrassed [em'b1r4sd]

adj. embarrassed; awkward; uneasy

exhausted [ig'z3:stid]

adj. extremely tired; exhausted

fool [fu:l]

v. to fool; deceive n. a fool; an idiot

show up

attendance; appearances

announce [4'nauns]

v. to announce; notify

April Fool's Day

April Fool's Day

authority [3:'73riti]

n. authority; administration

break down

< p>damaged; broken down

convince [k4n'vins]

v. to convince; to convince

costume ['k3stju:m]

n. clothing; a full set of garments

flee [fli:]

v. to run away; to flee


n. girlfriend

give sb a ride

give someone a ride

go off

(alarm clock) to go off

hoax [h4uks]

n. trick; prank; joke

oversleep ['4uv4'slip]

v. to oversleep; to sleep too much

panic ['p1nik]

n. panic; fright

reveal [ri'vi:l]

v. to reveal; expose

run off

run off; leave quickly

spaghetti [sp4'geti]

n. thin Italian-style spaghetti

thrill [7ril]

v. to make very agitated; to make very nervous

reply [ri'plai]

v. to answer

set off

to stir up; cause

century ['sent5uri]

n. century; centennial

throw [7r4u]

v. to throw; hurl

electric [i'lektrik]

adj. of electrons; of electricity

in the end

finally; at last

thousand ['7auz4nd]

n. a thousand; many

mistake [mis'teik]

n. mistake; fault

pleasant ['pleznt]

adj. comfortable ; pleasant

by mistake


island ['ail4nd]

n. island; island

metal ['metl]

n. metal

potato [p4u'teit4u]

n. . potato

thin [7in]

adj. thin; fine

sweet [swi:t]

adj. sweet; sugary

taste [teist]

v. to taste; savor

remain [ri'mein]

< p>v. to keep; remainder; residue

salty ['s3:lti]

adj. salty; salted

operate ['3p4reit]

v. to operate; work

produce [pr4'dju:s, 'pr3dju:s]

v. to produce; to manufacture; to generate

nearby ['ni4bai]

adj. near; nearby

invent [in'vent]

v. to invent; to create

fire ['fai4]

n. fire; hearth fire

in this way

in this way

slipper ['slip4]

n. slipper

leaf [li:f]

n. leaf; foliage

special ['spe54l]

adj. special; particular

notice [ 'n4utis]

v. & n. to notice; notice, inform

pie [pai]

n. pie

be used for

used for ......

adjustable [4 'd98st4bl]

adj. adjustable

bulb [b8lb]

n. electric light bulb; spotlight

crispy ['krispi]

adj. brittle; fragile

scoop [sku:p]

n. spoon; spherical spoon

abacus ['1b4k4s]

n. abacus

according [4'k3:di6]

adj. in accord with; in agreement with

ancient ['ein54nt]

adj. ancient; old



n. p>

bakery ['beik4ri]

n. bakery

battery ['b1t4ri]

n. battery

beverage ['bev4rid9]

n. drink

boil [b3il]

v. To boil; to boil


Bridgeport (name of a bakery)

by accident

by chance, accident

chef [5ef]

n. cook

chip [t5ip]

n. a slice (of food, etc.)<

Connecticut [k4'netik4t]

(U.S.A.) Connecticut

emperor ['emp4r4]

n. emperor; monarch

fall into

falling into; plunging into

flying disk

flying disk

heel [hi:l]

n. (of a shoe, sock, etc.) heel; (of a foot) heel

legend ['led94nd]

n. a legend; legendary tale

microwave ['maikr4weiv]


oven ['8vn]

n. grill; oven

sour ['sau4]

adj. sour; acidic

sprinkle [spri6kl]

v. to sprinkle; sprinkle

smell [smel]

n. smell ; smell;

fresh [fre5]

adj. fresh; raw; inexperienced

write down

write down; write down

clown [klaun]

n. a clown; a clown

hang [h16]

v. hang; dangle

main [mein]

adj. main; important

department [di'pa:tm4nt]

n. ministry; bureau; department

department store

department store; department store

departmental store; departmental store

n. slide [slaid]

v. to slide

advantage [4d'va:ntid9]

n. favorable condition; advantage; benefit

block [bl3k]

n. neighborhood; street section

disadvantage ['dis4d' va:ntid9]

n. disadvantage; drawback; disadvantage

drugstore ['dr8gst3:]

n. pharmacy; grocery store

escalator ['esk4leit4]

n. an electric escalator; an escalator

exchange [iks't5eind9]

v. to change; replace; swap

furniture ['f4:nit54]

n. furniture

hang out



n. public ****ing toilet; restroom

shampoo [51m'pu:]

n. shampoo shampoo

water slide

water slide

point [p3int]

v. to point; to point to

greet [gri:t]

v. to greet; greet

fork [f3:k]

n. fork; dinner fork

full [ful]

adj. full; bloated

pick up

pick up

lap [l1p]

n. (of a person when seated) the portion of the body that is below the waist to the knee; thigh

spoon [spu:n]

n. spoon; spoon

pick [pik]

v. to pick up

compliment ['k3mplim4nt]

n. to praise; compliment

kiss [kis]

v. & n. kiss; kissing

after all

after all

be/get used to

be accustomed to ......

be supposed to

be supposed to ......

behave [bi'heiv]

v. behavioral performance; demeanor

bow [bau]

v. to bow; stoop



chopstick [ 't53pstik]

n. chopsticks

Colombia [k4'l3mbi4]


cut up

cut up; chopped

drop by

visit; visit

elbow ['elb4u]

n. elbow; elbows

gradually ['gr1dju4li]

adv. gradually; gradually

Lausanne [l4u'z1n]

Lausanne (a city in western Switzerland)

manner ['m1n4]

n. politeness; Style; habit

napkin ['n1pkin]

n. napkin; napkin

rude [ru:d]

adj. rude; impolite

shake [5eik]

v. to shake

Switzerland [' swits4l4nd]

Switzerland (a country in central Europe)

table manners

table etiquette

toast [t4ust]

v. a toast

unfamiliar ['8nf4'milj4]

adj. not familiar; inexperienced

wipe [waip]

v. rub; wipe; wipe away

look [luk]

n. countenance; appearance

land [l1nd]

n. country; homeland

stick [stik]

v. prick ; poke

smoke [sm4uk]

v. smoking; cigarette

useful ['ju:zful]

adj. useful; helpful

pink [pi6k]

adj. pink

uncomfortable [ 8n'k8mf4t4bl]

adj. uncomfortable; disagreeable

knowledge ['n3lid9]

n. knowledge; learning

product ['pr3d4kt]

n. a product; article

careful [' kA4ful]

adj. careful; attentive

serve [s4:v]

v. to serve; to entertain

path [pa:7]

n. road; path; trail

owner ['4un4]

n. owner; proprietor

mysterious [mis'ti4ri4s]

adj. mysterious; uncanny

shiny ['5aini]

adj. shiny

silky ['silki]

adj. silky; silky smooth

skin [ skin]

n. skin; skin

aim [eim]

v. to aim at; to intend

aim at

aim at; to target

campaign [k1m'pein]

n. campaign; election campaign

confuse [k4n 'fju:z]

v. to confuse; to confound; to confuse

design [di'zain]

v. to devise; to conceive

endangered [in'deind94d]

adj. in danger of extinction; about to go extinct

for instance

n. a person or a group of people who are in danger of extinction. instance

e.g.; for example

instance ['inst4ns]

n. example; instance

lead [li:d]

v. to guide; to cause; to lead n. the protagonist; the leader

lighting ['laiti6]

n. lighting; lighting equipment

mislead [mis'li:d]

v. to lead ...... in the wrong direction

scientific [sai4n'tifik]

adj. specially ['spe54li]

adv. especially; devotedly

tense [tens]

adj. nervous; causing tension

toothpaste ['tu:7peist]

n. toothpaste

cream [ kri:m]

n. (skin care) cream

refrigerator [ri'frid94reit4]

n. refrigerator

garage ['g1ra:9]

n. car garage; automobile room

member ['memb4]

n. member; a member; membership

village ['vilid9]

n. countryside; village

water ['w3:t4]

v. to water; to water

miss [mis]

v. to miss; to omit

turn off < /p>

turn off; shut down

suit [sju:t]

n. clothing; garments

wood [wud]

n. wood; timber

major ['meid94]

adj. larger; larger in scope

suitcase [ 'sju:tkeis]

n. (for travel) a small suitcase; wardrobe

last [la:st]

adj. nearest; last

mostly ['m4ustli]

adv. mainly; for the most part

appear [4'pi4]

v. to appear; to show up (for a public) performance

farm [fa:m]

n. a farm; a farmstead

guidebook ['gaidbuk]

n. a travel brochure; a guidebook

bathing ['bei0i6]

n. to swim; to bathe

be off

leave; go away

chop [t53p]

v. chop; cleave

clean out

clean out; clean up

put in

put in; insert; enter

quality ['kw3liti )

n. quality; character

scene [si:n]

n. the place where (a play; an opera, etc.) takes place; the setting

some day

coming day; some day in the future

towel ['tau4l]

n. a hand towel; a towel

light [lait]

v. to kindle; to light

hit [hit]

n. something that is successful and sensational (as a song, etc.)

air [A4]

n. a tune; melody; piece

well [wel]

n. a well; a well

n. a well that has been used for a long time by a person or a group of people. /p>

poem ['p4uim]

n. poem; rhyme

cage [keid9]

n. cage; prison

against [4'geinst, 4'genst]

prep. to oppose; violate

gentle [' d9entl]

adj. gentle; genteel

strong [str36]

adj. strong; powerful

pull [pul]

v. to pull; drag; pluck

pound [paund]

n. pound (a unit of measurement. equivalent to 0.4536 kilograms)

politely [p4'laitli]

adv. politely; courteously

save [seiv]

v. to rescue; save

weigh [wei]

v. to weigh; weigh ... . weight

bottle ['b3tl]

n. bottle

recycle ['ri:'saikl]

v. in the loop; to recycle

public ['p8blik]

adj. & n. Public(s); populace(s)

aggressive [4'gresiv]

adj. invasive; provocative

aquatic [4'kw1tik]

adj. aquatic; aquatic

enormous [i'n3:m4s]

adj. huge; massive

gray [grei]

adj. & n. gray (of); grayish (of)

habitat ['h1bit1t]

n. habitat (of plants and animals); habitat

playful ['pleiful]

adj. playful; interesting

spotted ['sp3tid]

adj. spotted; spotted

underwater ['8nd4'w3:t4]

adj. underwater; in the water

vegetation [' ved9i'tei54n]

n. (general term) plant; grass

feed [fi:d]

n. fodder; pasturage

African ['1frik4]

n. adj. African; African; Afro-African language

be made from

made from ......; composed of ......

care for

care; care

cheetah ['t5i:t4]

n. ( animal) cheetah

chimpanzee [t5imp4n'zi:]

n. ( animal) chimpanzee

discard [dis'ka:d]

v. to discard; to give up

educate ['edju:keit]

v. to educate; to cultivate<

fence [fens]

n. fence; enclosure

furry ['f4:ri]

adj. furry; fur-like; fur-made

glue [glu:]

v. glue; stick; bond n. glue

inspiration ['insp4'rei54n]

n. inspiration; inspiring person (or thing)

kangaroo ['k16g4'ru:]

n. (animal) kangaroo

local ['l4uk4l]

adj. place; local

manatee [m1n4'ti:]

n. (animal) manatee (aquatic mammal; broad, flat body, rounded tail, flipper-like limbs)

mangrove ['m16grouv]

n. (plant) mangrove tree; mangrove forest

material [m4'ti4ri4l ]

n. material; raw material

pull down

destroy; overthrow

roof [ru:f]

n. top; roof; housetop

spare [spA4]

adj. redundant; spare

stuff [st8f]< /p>

n. waste; useless thing

suitable ['sju:t4bl]

adj. suitable; fit

swamp [sw3mp]

n. swamp; marsh

tile [tile]

n. tile; tiles

n. p>tiny ['taini]

adj. extremely small; tiny

urge [4:d9]

v. to urge strongly; to advocate strenuously

can [k1n]

n. (Containing liquids, etc.; often with a lid) a metal can

foot [fut]

n. . (pl. feet)feet

airplane ['A4plein]

n. airplane

camera ['k1m4r4]

n. camera

India ['indj4]

n. Mountain

Everest (the world's first peak)

experience [iks'pi4ri4ns]

v. to undergo; experience

put up

post; publish

develop [di'vel4p]

v. to form; produce; occur

on one's way to

on someone's way to ......

tune [tju:n]

n. tune; tune

turn off

turns off

turns off

. ring [ri6]

v. to chirp; to ring

easily ['i:zili]

adv. easily

latest ['leitist]

adj. nearest, latest

plastic ['pl1stik]

adj. plastic

expert ['eksp4:t]

n. expert, master

mobile phone

mobile phone; cell phone

mobile ['m4ubail]

adj. environment [in'vai4r4nm4nt]

n. environment; ecology; natural environment

proud [praud]

adj. proud; proud; complacent


adj. embarrassed

actually ['1ktju4li]

adv. practically

ashamed [4'5eimd]

adj. ashamed

behind the times


fashionable ['f154n4bl]

adj. fashionable

fit in

get along

Motorola Star Tac

the name of a model of Motorola cell phone


adj. outdated

outdated ['aut'deitit]. aut'deitid]

adj. obsolete

service ['s4:vis]

n. service


status ['steit4s]

n. identity

symbol ['simb4l]

< p>n.symbol

worst of all

worst of all

instead of

instead of; instead of ......

type [taip] type

mark [ ma:k]

n. symbol; notation

make faces

make faces

code [k4ud]

n. code; codeword

consist [k4n'sist]

consist of ... . composed of; consisting of ......

acronym ['1kr4nim]

n. acronym; first-letter combination of words

be made up of

consisting of...

bored [b3:d]

adj. jaded

bracket ['br1kit]

n. parentheses; brackets

can't stop doing

can't help doing something; can't help doing something

chatline [ '51t4lain]

n. (telephone, Internet, etc.) a hot-line chat service

colon ['koul4n]

n. colon

combination ['k3mbi'nei54n]

n. combination; merger

emotive [i' moutiv]

n. emoticon

expression [iks'pre54n]

n. expression; representation; expression; wording

homophone ['h3m4foun]

n. homophone

indicate [' indikeit]

v. to mark; to indicate

kiss [kis]

n. to kiss; to kiss

punctuation ['p86ktju'ei5en]

n. to punctuate, to punctuate

seal ['si:l]

v. to seal ; seal

seek [si:k]

v. to seek

sideways ['saidweiz]

adv. obliquely; obliquely to one side

sound like

sound like

take sb... to do sth

take someone (how long) to do something

secret ['si:krit]

adj. secret; confidential
