How to write a recruitment advertisement in English
How to write a recruitment advertisement in English
Nowadays, there are a lot of foreign companies need employees with better English ability to work, so very often they will write recruitment advertisements in English, that how to write a recruitment advertisement in English, the following is the relevant tutorial.
How to Write a Job Advertisement in English Composition 1
1, Female, Thepreferredagesare20-28yrs
2, Universitygraduateorabove
3, ExcellentproficiencyinChinese,speaksensiblyandwell
4, Goodteamplayerandcorporateattitude;
5, Relevantworkingexperienceispreferred
PleasesendusyourresumeinbothEnglishandChinesewithacopyofyouracademicdiplomaandIDcard,arecentphotoandexpectedsalaryviafax/mail/e- mailADD:NO.12,LUJIANGDAOROD,AMOYAREA,XIAMENCITY
How to Write a Job Advertisement in English Essay 2
ExpresswaysResinisagrowinginternationalplasticsandrubberdistributionbusinessthatispartofapan- Asiannetworkofsistercompanies.WearetheleadingthermoplasticrawmaterialdistributorinAsia,andourcustomersandsuppliersrepresentChina WearetheleadingmoplasticrawmaterialdistributorinAsia,andourcustomersandsuppliersrepresentChina'sleadingbluechipmanufacturers.WeareanownedsubsidiaryofTaiwanPlasticsCompany,Inc.
ExpresswaysResin is a fast-growing international plastic and rubber wholesaler. We are a fast-growing international plastics and rubber wholesaler with many sister companies in our pan-Asian network. We are a leader in thermoplastic raw materials in Asia, with customers and suppliers that are among China's top 'blue chip' manufacturers, and are a subsidiary of Taiwan Plastics Corporation.
Wehavepositionsavailableinbothoursalesandlogisticsdepartments.Weseekambitious,team-orientated, universitygraduatestojoinin the company. Weseekambitious,team-orientated,universitygraduatestojoinadynamic,growingcompany.Successfulcandidateswillneedtohaveabusinessdegree,beinterestedintechnicalsales, andhavesomesalesand andhavesomesalesandmarketingexperience.Interestin-orpastexperiencewith-inventorymanagementisaplus.
We have vacancies in both our business and logistics departments and seek motivated graduates who enjoy graduates who enjoy working in a team to join our dynamic and growing company. Candidates should have a degree in business, an interest in technical business, experience in sales and marketing and experience and interest in inventory management. andwhoareexcitedbyopportunitiesforcareercompensationpackageisamongthebestintheindustryandreflectsourcommitmenttonurturingtalent. p>
Candidates should enjoy being challenged, constantly learning new skills at all levels of the job, and be interested in taking advantage of opportunities to grow their career. The compensation package is one of the best in the industry and reflects our commitment to nurturing talent.
Successfulcandidateswillundergoanindividualtraininganddevelopmentprogram,personalizedtoreflecthisorherneeds. Theseprogramsaredesignedtoprovidethenecessaryskillsandknowledgetoexcelintheposition. Traininganddevelopmentneedswillbediscussedatregularreviews.
Successful candidates will receive individual training and development programs, both of which are designed to meet individual needs. These courses are designed to prepare new entrants with the skills and knowledge required for the job. Regular review meetings are held to discuss individual training and development needs.
Interested parties should send a cover letter and CV to:xxxxxxxx
How to Write a Job Advertisement in English Essay 3
TheOrientalscientificinstrumentimportandexportgroupco. LTDisalargeholdingsoftheChineseacademyofsciencesprofessionalforeigntradegroupco.,LTD.,foundedinOctober22,1983. Companyscalehasamountedtohundredsofmillionsofdollarsinthecurrentyearandformanyyearsislistedasoneofthelargest500importandexportenterprisesinChina. .
Nowwewelcomechemicalinstrumentsasalesman.Yourresponsibilitiesareinchargeofregionalmarketdevelopmentandsales,familiarwithuv Yourresponsibilitiesareinchargeofregionalmarketdevelopmentandsales,familiarwithuv,HPLC,GC,LC/MS,GC/MSandotherbiologicalscientificinstruments.Youwillneedtohaveatleastabachelorsdegreeinchemistry,biology,food, environmentalprotection,medicineandmothercare. Youwillneedtohaveatleastabachelorsdegreeininchemistry,biology,food,environmentalprotection,medicineandotherrelevant
professionalandworkbackgroundispreferred. Youshouldhavegoodinterpersonalcommunicationandlanguageexpressionability,good
English job ad format how to write homework withEnglish job ads:
One, the composition of the English job ads
English job ads are usually composed of the following:
1, the name of the recruiting unit (TheNameoftheRecruitingUnit)
Generally placed in the first line alone, typeset with a bold font. Bold font, in the form of a title. Such as:
Avon (Shanghai) Company Limited Shanghai Avon Limited
Amway (China) DailyNecessitiesCompanyLimitedAmway (China) DailyNecessitiesCompanyLimitedAmericaAmway (China) DailyNecessitiesCompanyLimited
2.RecruitingUnit'slogotypeoftheRecruitingUnit. ThelogotypeoftheRecruitingUnit)
Generally placed in the front of the title of the recruitment advertisement, but sometimes can also be placed in the back of the title. This is because the enterprise in the recruitment of talent at the same time, but also in the minds of readers to establish the image of the enterprise.
3, the recruiting unit's introduction (TheBriefIntroductiontotheRecruitingUnit)
Advertising on the enterprise, in order to allow job seekers to have a basic understanding of the enterprise. E.g.
Krupp,oneofthetoprankingGermanIndustrialgroupsactiveinMechanicalEngineering,Plantmaking,Automotive,Fabrication. SteelandTrading,isnowwideningitsbusinessinthePeople'sRepublicofChina.
Klopp is one of the top-rankingGermanIndustrialgroupsactiveinMechanicalEngineering,Plantmaking,Automotive,Fabrication,Fabrication,SteelandTrading,isnowwideningitsbusinessinthePeople'sRepublicofChina. We are now expanding our business in the People's Republic of China.
4, the recruitment of positions (TheJobTitlesBeingOffered)
Stating specific vacancies is an essential element of any job advertisement. If an advertisement has only one or two peacock positions, then the job titles are often used as the title of the job advertisement. For example:
CNC Machine Operator Vacancy
Employment Opportunities:Typist &Office Clerk
Employment Opportunities:Typist and Office Clerk p>
5, the job's responsibilities (TheJobResponsibilities)
JobResponsibilities is a specific statement of the vacancy should be the main task, in order to let the applicant know whether they have the ability to do these jobs. For example:
Responsibilities(Job Responsibilities)
Terms and Conditions of Employment Conditionsofemployment)
TheQualificationforApplication,i.e.therequirementstoapply,thatis,therequirementstoapply for the applicant. In gender, age, education, experience, special talents, personality, residence and other aspects of the specific requirements. English commonly used Qualification, Requirements, and other words to express. For example:
1)Experienceworkingwithforeigncompanies(by the experience of working in foreign companies)
2)ProficientinEnglishandMandarin(to be able to ProficientinEnglishandMandarin)
4)Personalconfidenceandaggressivenessamust (must have confidence and Progressivenessamust(must have confidence and aggressiveness)
5)TravelingwithinChinaamust(must be in the domestic business)
6)Mature,dynamic,honest(mature mind,shrewd and capable,honest)
7,the treatment provided ( TheRemunerationBeingOffered)
The English-language job advertisements published in the domestic press generally mention treatment in general terms. For example:
Allpositionsofferhighlycompetitivesalaries,medicalbenefitsandbonus.Andofcourse,excellenttrainingandcareerprospects. All positions will receive competitive salaries, medical benefits and annual bonuses, and of course, excellent training and career prospects.
8. TheWaysofApplication
At present, the vast majority of English-language job advertisements in China use postal mail to apply for jobs. Therefore, the applicant is required to mail his resume, autobiography, diploma and degree certificates and ID card copies, photographs and other information, and inform the mailing address and recipient. For example:
SuccessfulapplicantswillberequiredtoregisterthroughFESCO. Resumestogetherwitharecentphotographandacontacttelephonenumbershouldbesentto:
Rolls- RoyceInternationalLimited-China
Successful applicants must register with the Foreign Enterprise Service Corporation (FESC). CV's with a recent photo and contact number should be sent to: Room 14-05, International Building, No.19 JianguoMenWaiMainStreet, Beijing 100004, China, to the attention of the Manager of Rolls-Royce International Limited (China)
Expanded Information :
English Interview | Frequently Asked Questions and Answer Tips:
Question1. Canyoutellmesomethingaboutyoureducation?
Question 1: Can you tell us a little about your educational background?
Some employers and positions place a high value on education, and credentials such as graduating from a prestigious university or getting an MBA may be a plus. However, if your educational background is less than stellar, you can focus on the wealth of knowledge you've learned through your past experiences without getting too hung up on things like graduation school.
Example answer
IhavestudiedatABCUniversity.Iacquiredknowledgeofstatistics,projectmanagementandprocessmanagement. Iwasactiveduringmystudiesandtookpartinpracticalprojectsandcoursestoo. OverallmystudieswereprettypracticalandIbelievetobereadyforjobofaprojectmanager.
Question2. Canyoutellussomethingmoreaboutyourworkingexperience?
Question2: Can you tell us more about your working experience?
To answer this question, just pick the work experience that is most relevant to the position you are currently applying for. Of course, if you've only had one previous job, you'll have to tell us about it, whether it's relevant or not.
Example answer
Ihavedonelotofthingsinmylife.Ithelpedmetogainagoodoverallunderstandingofbusiness. From2001to2004IworkedasaprojectmanagerforSiemens.
Wewereworkingmostlyonsmallerenergeticprojects,waterplantsbuiltonrivers. IbelievethatIcanutilizetheknowledgeandcontactsIgainedthereinyourcompany.
FrommyotherworkingexperienceIcanmentionmyroleofmarketingmanagerIholdinCDEfrom1998to2001andmyfreelancingexperiencefrom2005to2009. Ifyouwant,wecandiscussitindetail.