Generally the temperature in the furnace is controlled at about 980℃, and the volume after incineration can be reduced by 50-80% compared with the original, and the combustible garbage collected in a classified manner can even be reduced by 90% after incineration treatment. In recent years, the incineration treatment and high temperature (1650-1800 ℃) thermal decomposition, melting treatment combined to further reduce the volume.
Waste treatment market analysis
In the process of urbanization, garbage as a product of urban metabolism used to be a burden for urban development, and many cities in the world have had a situation of garbage surrounding the city. Nowadays, garbage is regarded as the most potential for development, never exhausted "urban mineral deposits", "misplaced resources". This is not only the deepening of the understanding of garbage, but also the inevitable requirements of urban development.
China's garbage disposal industry started late, but through the development of recent years, China's garbage disposal industry has begun to take shape, the capacity of the garbage disposal market has increased significantly, the market penetration rate has increased rapidly, the number of enterprises entering the sanitation industry is also increasing rapidly. Now China's garbage disposal market has entered the growth period from the introduction period and is moving towards the maturity period.
With environmental issues gradually being emphasized, energy saving and environmental protection have become the development theme of all countries, and have begun to provide opportunities for industrial development for waste disposal. The average annual growth rate of the world's garbage is 8.42%, while the growth rate of China's garbage reaches more than 10%. The world produces 490 million tons of garbage every year, and China alone produces nearly 150 million tons of municipal garbage every year. The cumulative stockpile of municipal waste in China has reached 7 billion tons. Under the pressure of such a huge amount of garbage, there is reason to believe that the garbage disposal industry will become a star industry in the country in the future.
Recycled resources have become a new starting point for resource recycling, as well as an important part of the circular economy. In addition, in the waste resources and waste materials recycling process, not only solves the problem of resource shortage, while reducing waste emissions, can be said to be "two birds with one stone". China continues to introduce policies to support the development of the waste disposal industry, government leaders around the world have begun to attach great importance to the construction of landfill sites, increased investment, can be predicted that the waste disposal industry has a very bright future.
The pros and cons of waste incineration and the development trend of the industry
The waste incineration method is indeed a waste disposal method that has been practiced for many years. It is smaller than the landfill method, high efficiency, was once regarded as a "reduction of fast" good method, attracting Japan and Germany and other developed countries to vigorously develop. In Japan, more than 6,000 garbage incinerators were built in a flurry, occupying the first place in the number of garbage incinerators in the world, and its garbage incineration enterprises have also developed. At the same time, also attracted some developed countries to follow suit. So the waste incineration to the climax. This waste incineration power plant that waste incineration method into the development period.
However, after hundreds of years of practice, the waste incineration method has been unable to be accepted by the general public, and its shortcomings are highlighted in its latent pollution is heavier, more expensive, complex operation and waste of resources. Although its pollution prevention and control technology is improving, it is still immature and has not been able to withstand the test of theory and practice.
According to a variety of literature reports, each ton of waste incineration will produce about 5,000 cubic meters of exhaust gas, will also leave about half of the original volume of ash. Waste incineration is only part of the pollutants from the solid state into a gaseous state, its weight and total volume is not only not reduced, but also increased. Incinerator exhaust emissions of hundreds of major pollutants, the composition is extremely complex, which contains many greenhouse gases and toxic substances. Today's best incineration equipment, under normal operation, will also release dozens of harmful substances, only through filtration, water washing and adsorption method is difficult to purify all. Especially the dioxin class of pollutants, belonging to the recognized first-class carcinogens, even if a very small amount can be accumulated in the body for a long time, and its role in the human body so far can not be stipulated out of the role of the threshold value. The toxic and hazardous substances in incineration ash are more numerous and more difficult to deal with. However, the illusion created by incineration is that the converted waste gases are emitted high up into the atmosphere and away from people. Many people do not realize that the pollutants in the atmosphere can be through the bottom of the troposphere (thickness of only 1 to 2 kilometers) back to the regions, the most concentrated pollution is one or two hundred meters thick convection bottom atmosphere, most of the toxic organics and heavy metals sooner or later will come back to your side.
In addition, the incineration method of huge cost and waste of resources is even more unsuitable for our country and many developing countries. Construction of a large and medium-sized incinerator can easily be 1 billion yuan, completed and put into operation after the environmental protection of the treatment cost of about 300 yuan / ton, some cities in China that kind of incineration disposal of a ton of domestic garbage operation, whether it is really according to the environmental protection procedures are questionable in itself. Environmentally friendly incineration treatment method is generally difficult for cities to afford. Its operation requires frequent replacement of filtering and adsorption materials, but also spends a lot of money, often resulting in the operation of arbitrarily simplified loopholes.
In recent years, a wave of anti-waste incineration of the rights of the storm in the global burning, more and more burning. In fact, waste incineration has begun to enter a period of atrophy at home and abroad. Even in Japan, which has the highest concentration of waste incinerators in the world, resistance to waste incineration is widespread, with hundreds of anti-dioxin groups in operation. Even European countries, which set EU standards, have reflected on the situation, shutting down incinerators and enacting burn bans. There are now more than 15 countries and territories that have adopted partial bans on waste burning. There is virtually no market for new waste incinerators in Europe. Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and other developed countries that use incinerators the most and the earliest have long since promulgated the "incinerator ban". Many European countries have pledged to stop emitting any hazardous substances into the environment by 2020. This means that the smoke or ash emitted from incinerators cannot contain harmful chemicals, which is difficult to achieve with current incineration technology.
The United States, which has 6,200 medical waste incineration plants, saw a strong grassroots movement that overturned more than 300 waste incinerator plans, closing 98.1 percent by 2003. Its incineration industry has been virtually defunct for more than a decade since 1996, and the U.S. government has not built a new waste incineration plant in more than a decade.
In Britain, there has been a flurry of opposition to incineration in the suburbs of London and in communities such as Murray Valley and the Lake Ontario region.
In Russia, Greenpeace and Green Cross jointly launched a civic campaign against waste incineration earlier this year, with more than 113,000 residents signing an anti-burning petition requesting a delay in the construction of new waste incinerators.
In countries such as the Philippines, all forms of waste incineration have been banned.
In China, there have been ups and downs in popular defense activities in cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Nanjing and Nanchang. A wide range of environmental volunteers and NGOs have been watching closely.
Experts In international law, three principles have also been formulated to resist waste incineration, namely early warning, prevention and limiting transboundary impacts, among others.
Zhao Zhangyuan, a member of the expert group of the Environmental Engineering Assessment Center of the State Ministry of Environmental Protection, talks about how far (environmental protection distance) is appropriate for garbage incinerators to be located from residential sites?
Waste incinerator distance from the residents in the end how far, this issue has been debated for a long time, our country is slow to set down, the original initial we set is 1000 meters, because I used to participate in the review, in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency, a technical principle, is a kilometer, a kilometer within the households are not allowed to, we will be in accordance with this standard to assess. Later, we have some local management comments, said that it is not good to build, can not be reduced, in this case, and find some units, purposefully modified the standard, the first revision to 800 meters, reduced by 200 meters, and then said that it is not good enough, and find a, and then reduced to 700 meters, and ultimately, the smallest data is 700 meters, do not dare to reduce it again, why? Because 700 meters or less who are not sure, now we say that 300 meters or not, some calculated only 100 meters, is to use the physical model to calculate how much emissions from my incinerator, how much space, in accordance with this model a calculation, the calculation of the more accurate and not much, may be one or two hundred meters, now we have a lot of literature to report that this kind of calculation is erroneous, that the impact of dioxin, the extent of damage than the Now we have a lot of literature reporting that this calculation is wrong, saying that the impact, the extent of damage caused by dioxin is much greater than the value we calculated, and this is reported in the literature, I have not done the test. This is one aspect. On the other hand, the most difficult thing is that dioxin is too toxic a pollutant, it is a class 1 carcinogen, and the most annoying thing is that it is difficult to be degraded, and its half-life is from 14 years to 273 years. If it accumulates within the human body, it can easily get into the fat, and even if your standard is low, it is still carcinogenic in the end. So we have to be prudent right here. This 300 meters, I think it is too risky, 500, 600 meters is also very risky, because now we see the fact that Japan within 1.2 kilometers of cancer is equivalent to twice as much as the outside, which is also worthy of reference, even if I improve the stove, you are not 1.2 kilometers, and you can not shrink again to 300 meters. Shorten the distance this can be understood, the management requires the smaller the distance the better site selection, because the environmental protection departments around the upper and lower levels of the opinion often is that we can not choose the right place, especially in large and medium-sized cities, is not good to choose, now is in this situation, we are not there is not a gatekeeper, to 300 meters? Then it is not good to choose, we should work on other issues, work on other ways to deal with the garbage.
[edit]Pollution control of waste incineration
Dioxin in the flue gas of domestic waste incineration is a common concern in the world in recent years. Dioxin-like highly toxic substances cause great harm to the environment, effective control of the generation and spread of dioxin-like substances is directly related to the promotion and application of waste incineration and waste-to-energy technology.
Panic residents
Main structure
Dioxin molecular structure for one or two oxygen atoms connected to two chlorine-substituted benzene ring. Two oxygen atoms linked to the polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (PCDD, Polycholoro diabenzo-p-dioxin), one oxygen atom is called polychlorinated dibenzo-furan (PCDF, Plolycholoro dibenzo-furan). Collectively, they are called dioxins. The most toxic 2,3,7,8-PCDD is 1000 times more toxic than potassium cyanide. dioxin is extremely toxic to mammals and is soluble in water and thermally stable.
Principle of operation
The sources of dioxin generation in incinerators are petroleum products, chlorine-containing plastics, which are precursors of dioxin. Generation mode is mainly combustion generation. Household waste contains a large amount of NaCl, KCl, etc., and the incineration of the material will often have S elements, thus generating . HCl is generated by reacting with salts containing Cl in the presence of oxygen, and HCl reacts with CuO generated by the oxidation of Cu to generate . It has been found that the ultimate catalysts for the production of dioxins are elemental C and C (as standardized by CO).
Main advantages
Controlled gas pyrolysis incinerator will be incineration process is divided into two combustion chambers, a combustion chamber for the thermal decomposition of garbage temperature control for 700 ℃ or less, so that the garbage in the absence of oxygen state of the low-temperature decomposition, this time, the metal Cu, Fe, Al and other metal elements are not oxidized, and therefore will not have the generation of the amount of dioxin will be greatly reduced; at the same time, due to the amount of HCl generated by the concentration of residual oxygen, and therefore the amount of HCl produced. At the same time, because the amount of HCl produced by the residual oxygen concentration of the impact of anoxic combustion will reduce the production of HCl; and since the reducing atmosphere is also difficult to generate a large number. Since the gas-controlled waste incinerator is a solid bed, no soot is produced and no unburned residual carbon enters the second combustion chamber. The combustible components in the garbage are decomposed into combustible gases and introduced into the second combustion chamber where there is sufficient oxygen for combustion. The temperature of the second combustion chamber is about 1000℃ and the length of the flue enables the flue gas to stay for more than 2s, which ensures that toxic organic gases such as dioxins are completely decomposed and burned at high temperatures. In addition, the use of bag filter to avoid the use of electrostatic precipitator Cu, Ni, Fe particles on the generation of dioxin catalytic effect.
[Edit]Waste incineration must adhere to the four basic principles
Waste incineration is certainly needed, the key is not to burn, but in how to burn. In terms of personal position, I am opposed to a blanket affirmation of blindly pushing the garbage incineration brought about by the Great Leap Forward. I am worried that if this continues, it will lead to the blossoming of waste incineration, and ultimately maximize the environmental risks implied by waste incineration.
My fears are not unfounded. You see, but all the purchasing power of the developed areas of the city, the surrounding suburbs are not full of garbage incineration flag? In order to give this kind of garbage incineration big leap in defense, the main burning school often do not hesitate to advertise chapter as the basis of argument, the ideal as reality, the garbage incineration boasted to the point of perfection. The more they do, the more they spare no effort, the more one cannot help but wonder about their intentions, and the more one must be wary of the self-interested drive behind garbage incineration.
Marx believed that the state is a necessary evil, and waste incineration is not an angel but also a necessary evil. So mankind in the garbage crisis can not help but with the garbage incineration power **** at the same time, but also must be like the power into the cage, to the garbage incineration power set on the cage. No matter how serious the garbage crisis, incineration power generation can not be the first choice, and can only be auxiliary status, can only be landfill, composting, sorting and other conventional means have been exhausted after the supplementary means. Only in this way can the environmental risks of burning be controlled to a minimum.
That is to say, the waste incineration power generation can not be too idealized and romanticized, but should be held to the maximum prudence. This maximum prudence should be reflected in at least the following four basic principles:
1. not sorted in place not incinerated
Sound waste classification is a precondition for waste incineration power generation is an unsurpassed historical stage, which has long been a social **** knowledge. Now the question is not whether there is such a social **** knowledge, not enough public literacy, but the city government in the end there is no determination. Garbage classification needs a strong infrastructure, as the media has pointed out, the Japanese garbage classification to do fine, the primary reason is that they do a good job of garbage classification and transportation facilities; Taipei in recent years, the total amount of garbage has been sharply reduced, but also because of the garbage classification facilities are well-served; Americans garbage classification awareness is strong, the same because of their garbage classification and transportation scheduling table is easy to see at a glance. Only the government is capable of providing the strong infrastructure required for waste separation. No matter how strong the public's impulse to separate is, it will never get off the ground without a strong government-provided infrastructure to complement it.
So, garbage classification pilot in many cities so far nothing, the board can not be hit to the public's ass, blamed on the so-called public literacy, the review is the city government in terms of infrastructure whether due diligence, if not due diligence, which means that its classification of garbage is not insincere, at least half-hearted half-hearted. Half-heartedly half-heartedly can not do any big thing, classification is not a waste of public money, should be accountable to the city government, and can not, in turn, as the city government to do a big job quickly on the garbage incineration power generation reason.
2. not financial full not incineration
April this year, a seminar, the main burning faction flag-bearer, Tsinghua University Professor Nie Yongfeng cheered: "China's waste incineration power generation in 2008-2015 will usher in the golden age." Why was he so emotional? China Urban Construction Research Institute, a person in charge at the time to break the mystery: due to obtain a relatively stable return, waste incineration facilities are highly favored by investors, so it is relatively easy to market; especially in the current global economic situation, there will be more investors will turn their attention to the field of energy and environmental protection, in order to seek a long-term, stable return on investment. (Quoted from a report on China Solid Waste Network on April 26)
It goes without saying that marketization has been a clear trend in China's waste-to-energy incineration. But the huge environmental risks are destined, in the special conditions of China, waste incineration power generation is not suitable for marketization. Developed countries can be market-oriented, because both power and capital, in developed countries are subject to severe constraints, and we do not have such an institutional environment. If a waste disposal giant allied with power doesn't take social responsibility, society can do nothing about it, and the ultimate consequence is that society pays the bill, with the public's life, health and property.
This is not a mere logical deduction, but is supported by hard facts. The reason why the National Development and Reform Commission last year to consider adjusting the waste incineration power generation subsidy policy, cover for incineration power generation enterprises widespread fraud. In order to cheat the power generation subsidy, they use a lot of coal and oil to generate electricity, incineration power plant is therefore largely transformed into thermal power plant. This is a reflection of regulatory failure.
The problem at the surface is so serious that the problem at the point is even more alarming. The recent media disclosure of a sharp increase in cancer deaths among villagers near the Li Keng waste-to-energy plant in Guangzhou has been a loud wake-up call. The same story happened in Shenzhen. As early as August this year, the media disclosed that the stench from the privately owned Longgang waste incineration plant, which can be smelled from 1.6 kilometers away, had triggered a collective protest by local residents.
It's not hard to imagine how out of control the waste incineration business has gotten. Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Ecology and Environmental Research researcher Zhang Fushen in an interview with CCTV pointed out that the furnace temperature to reach the design standard, must be mixed with a large number of "activated carbon" to assist combustion. But activated carbon is very expensive, so many waste incineration power plants cut corners, only to cope with the detection of the tentative use of the rules. This is an important factor in waste incineration that contributes to pollution. Now China, the fundamental change in the institutional environment is not a day's work, as long as the institutional environment has not been fundamentally improved, regulation is not possible to put into practice, corporate social responsibility is not possible to put into practice, the nature of the enterprise is profit-oriented can not be curbed.
This background, the waste incineration power generation of this high-risk industry to the market, to the enterprise to lead, the consequences are extremely serious, waste incineration power generation is extremely alienated into the banner of environmental protection, environmental pollution industry may. If the urban garbage crisis is really serious to must burn, then this matter of public **** security high-risk industry, belongs entirely to the category of public **** services, should be mainly by the city government to pay the bill, should belong to the financial full protection of public welfare industry. The only full financial protection, regardless of cost, may be able to put an end to cut corners in the industry black hole. This is not without precedent. The Baoan waste incineration plant, also in Shenzhen, has a much larger safety margin, and according to media reports, there is almost no visible smoke coming out of its chimneys. Government tests have also shown that the plant emits almost no dioxins and other pollutants, because it is fully funded by the government. The reason for this is that the plant is entirely government-funded, except that the investment is much higher than that of private waste incineration plants - the Baoan plant costs 10 times as much per ton of waste burned as the Longgang plant. But the financial should be taken from the people for the people, waste incineration power generation since it must be on the inevitable, there is no need to be too much like the Grange. Can not afford to burn do not burn, to burn should be spared no expense, in order to absolutely protect public life, health and property as the greatest pursuit.
3. not open and transparent not burning
Taipei citizens and environmental groups often strike in the middle of the night to go to the garbage incineration plant "caught in the act", monitoring the illegal incineration of garbage, the realm of that we are worse than a hundred thousand eighty thousand miles. The reason is very simple, who dares to go to the garbage incineration plant to "catch them in the act"? See the plant security guards not a stick to beat you out. The wall is like a deep sea, God knows how to burn inside?
So, the ability to do the whole process of waste incineration open and transparent, should also be an important indicator to decide whether the waste incineration power generation on the horse. In this regard, Taipei's experience is worthy of reference. According to reports, the incineration plant in Taipei is now located, will set up a civilian oversight committee; incineration plant every two months to release the operating indicators, to facilitate the public questioning. The operating contracts between incinerators and private operators are also publicized on the Taiwan EPA website. Taipei City Environmental Protection Bureau also set up video equipment on the garbage dumping platform, and connected to the network, the public can always go online to check into the furnace to burn what is.
No one has a stronger urge to monitor environmental risks than a potential victim's, and no monitoring is more creditworthy than the potential victim's hands-on monitoring. Waste incineration power generation in the serious lack of credit in the present China, must be done to the whole society, especially to the potential victims of the community residents of the full range of open, accept the whole society, especially the community residents of the full range of supervision, in order to really get the credit, really reassure people.
4. Unfair compensation is not incinerated
The unavoidable environmental risks of waste incineration power generation, it is clear that the neighboring residents of the property to bring a certain loss, both the loss of the compensation, can not be said to the so-called overall interests of the majority interests of the minority loss of the loss of the loss. The inviolability of private property means not only that it will not be violated by private individuals or by private citizens, but also that it will not be violated by the so-called overall interests or the interests of the majority. Interests can only be displaced, not sacrificed, regardless of whether it is the majority or the minority that is involved. This principle must be rigid, otherwise, by means of the so-called overall interests and majority interests, it may be him who is sacrificed today, but it may be you tomorrow, which is only a matter of probability, and no one can guarantee that he will not be covered by this shadow of probability for the rest of his life. So the tragedy of his being sacrificed and violated today, if not stopped, could be your turn tomorrow, and then you would have no grievance to speak of.
There are many misconceptions on this point. Incineration plant residents around the rights of action is often condemned by some moralists, as if they just out of their own self-interest and obstruction of public **** project, and therefore is shameful. In the market economy has been developed for many years, the Property Law has been applied for many years today, but also with such a perspective of the law, its hypocrisy and absurdity is not worth refuting. Residents around the incineration plant are certainly fighting for their rights, but objectively they are not fighting for the rights of all the people, morally and legally there is no loss! If they do not even know their own civil rights and property rights to cherish, that kind of cynicism is their real shame, but also the shame of the whole country.
The above four, I think is the waste incineration power generation basic social supporting conditions. Waste incineration power generation in the doctrine is controversial, technically there are differences, limited to the doctrine and technical level of abstract discussion of waste incineration power generation is right and wrong, is not going to have any results. Even though waste-to-energy incineration is a flower in developed countries, that flower has a specific soil and air. Leaving aside its specific soil and air, just because of the so-called beauty of the flower is eager to copy, how do we know that there will not be genetic mutation over the Hovenia?
So, the most urgent task is not to discuss whether to burn or not to burn, and where to burn. It is imperative to focus on the sociological perspective, based on the special national conditions, focusing on how to burn garbage incineration, that is, what social conditions should be burned, whether these conditions we have sufficiently. This attitude is truly responsible for life, responsible for history.
[Editorial] Waste incineration in China
According to research by Zhao Zhangyuan, a senior researcher at the Academy of Environmental Sciences, waste incineration projects in China are expanding rapidly. In fact, not only Beijing, Guangzhou, Nanjing and Suzhou, but almost every province in China is building or preparing to build waste incineration power plants. However, there are some cities, such as Kunming, which have clearly stated that they do not use waste incineration methods to treat waste.
Waste incineration has now led to mass incidents and a large number of petitions and lawsuits. For example, the group protests triggered by the Nanjing Jiangbei waste incineration power plant project, the silent protests in front of the Jiangsu Wujiang waste power plant, and the protests against the Dongcun waste incineration plant in Beijing.
The reasons for the rapid uptake and expansion of waste incineration projects in China are many, but the main reasons can be summarized as follows: First, the pressure of waste disposal. The common method of garbage disposal is buried, but now the burial method has been unworkable, burial can not meet the increasing demand for garbage disposal, with the increase of garbage, garbage is increasingly becoming a major problem in the process of urban development, seriously affecting the city image and urban environment, and even presenting garbage surrounded by the city phenomenon. And garbage incineration can quickly deal with mountains of garbage, reduce the volume of garbage, turn garbage into gas, rising into the air, blind people, thus creating political achievements, cover up the truth of the problem. Secondly, there is a huge demand for electricity. Among energy sources, electricity is considered clean. But unbeknownst to the public, the production of electricity is dirty. With the development of industry, the need for electricity is growing, as long as it can generate electricity, the science of the project increases. Behind it is the huge interest claim of China's electric power. The General Electricity Company is a very powerful force in China, and those in charge of it are even more powerful. In order to family interests, the power company has a very large expansion. Third, the overseas capital power to promote. Waste incineration technology in foreign countries belongs to the sunset technology, waste incineration is more developed countries to resist. Control of incineration technology of the international capital power to see this piece of fat meat in China, attempting to use bribery and other means of its technology will die moved to China, the continuation of its life, the expansion of its capital. Domestic traitors and lackeys in order to their children can study and live in foreign countries, contrary to the national ethos, in collusion with international capital, working together. Fourthly, the inertia of the management. Garbage incineration is much faster project. The effect of garbage disposal is obvious and obvious, and the invisible effect is slow. Management does not want to in-depth study, superstitious foreign technology, resulting in incinerator project blindly launched.
[edit]Expert advice
The best way to solve the urban garbage is not incineration but comprehensive utilization, according to industry estimates, at present China can be recycled renewable resources worth about 300 billion yuan. But in fact, in addition to scrap iron and steel recycling rate is high, the recycling rate of waste plastics is 25%, the recycling rate of waste rubber is 32%, the recycling rate of waste paper is 35%, the recycling rate of waste glass is only 13% ...... China's level of utilization of waste resources is far lower than that of developed countries. In fact, the garbage contains a huge wealth, can not be burned. Landfill or garbage incineration is not the best way to solve the garbage problem.
Internationally, the more respected practice is the comprehensive utilization of treatment, which is also the future development trend and direction of waste disposal. Comprehensive utilization of garbage can be done, this is the real environmental protection and energy saving, not only the recycling of resources worth hundreds of billions of dollars, but also to the United Nations to sell the CO2 emission targets saved by not burning garbage, and at the same time to avoid the burning of garbage caused by the poisonous pollution of the atmosphere, so that the people can enjoy the clean air.
Rubbish sorting treatment, the government departments concerned can be fully supported at the level of policies and regulations, and at the same time to spend on waste incineration on the funds used to support the relevant enterprises in the garbage generated at the source of the community to start classification or sorting treatment. The establishment of waste separation facilities in the community to promote and encourage residents to carry out waste classification, so that the resources in the garbage can be directly classified and recycled. According to the reality of the community, in the promotion of garbage classification and treatment of the initial period, can consider the community as a unit, additional garbage sorting and processing station, absorb a large number of social personnel employment, play the role of garbage sorters, all the garbage in the community, the use of manual classification and sorting, recycling all the resources that can be utilized, and can not be utilized in the garbage and then sent to the qualified non-leakage landfill landfill, so as not to re-emerge the current In order to avoid the recurrence of the current situation of landfill leakage and groundwater pollution. In addition, the relevant government departments can take a similar approach to the already effective restriction of plastic to limit excessive packaging, to limit the untreated vegetables into the links of residential consumption and other effective measures to reduce the generation of waste at the source.