cdr do logo standard cartography how to measure the angle?

1, LOGO proportion is the LOGO text and patterns, and even each stroke, graphics, the size and spacing of elements and the overall proportionality of the relationship can be drawn with the table tool for a number of rows and columns of 10 (or other integers, the value of the larger and more accurate) of the square form, the form size of 10x10mm, so that the size of each cell is 1 * 1mm, in this form drawing LOGO, it is clear that the proportionality of the relationship 2, the standard color printing in general with CMYK and Pantone color (in the menu bar - Window - Palette) CMYK mark each color CMYK value, Pantone color have the corresponding color number such as labeling one of the red: first draw a small square, fill in one of the colors applied to the LOGO, followed by the marking of the CMYK value, such as C:0M:100Y: 100K:0 Display screen. 100K:0 display reading (computer, cell phone, etc.) with RGB color RGB then marked RGB value