3 is the field office of a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME), and he often complains that he can't earn much money in a month's time, and that the big part of the money is taken away by the organization.
***Education industry in the hedonic economy, they do not have long-term rental demand, or have experience in bringing up children. For one, each pays and benefits in different ways.
Traditional society, between friends to borrow a book or *** enjoy a piece of information, not necessarily a whole month or a whole year for families in need of services, but more likely to be in many families have certain urgent needs to provide services, such as the wife's business trips they do not have the time to clean the home, dropshipping, aribnb's success, development and the future of an in-depth interpretation of the printer, such as public **** equipment. In fact, the small space of certain office buildings, a public
Division of the free space can also provide this service.
4, the medical industry In China, the medical industry and the education industry face a similar situation, they are dominated by public institutions, and any business, from the small and weak to grow strong, they are not particularly large in the start-up of the office leasing needs. *** Hedonic Economy The platform serves as a link between supply and demand, through mobile LBS applications, dynamic algorithms and pricing.
In a narrow sense, you can check in advance when your favorite barber is available and then
book an appointment.
The rise of Uber and Airbnb, two giant unicorns, has made the term "****health economy" incredibly hot, and as two of the most iconic companies in the ****health economy, of course, they may have had training in housekeeping, Uber and Airbnb have revolutionized the cab and hotel industries, and have made it possible to get a haircut. have revolutionized the taxi industry and the hotel industry respectively, also let people see the huge potential of the ****sharing economy in the future.
The new economic model of the ****sharing economy doesn't only work in the cab and hotel industries, capitalizing on people's spare time and space, but the mobile Internet has made this a reality.
Traditionally these service industries.
2 are freelancers or studio workers, and there's nothing wrong with that. But the personal services industry in the ****Hedge Economy has two incomparable advantages over the traditional personal services industry.
2. For the demand side of the service, the time is more fully utilized to provide services to make money and ask for consultation, and at the same time, they can not be dependent on private educational institutions, but become freelancers to provide services for students, this service to the platform must be far lower than the commission to the private educational institutions, and everyone would like to have a customized health care service for the individual, instead of going to the public hospital to spend a week to queue up, register, and so on. time queuing and registering.
The second is for the service master, can be more fully utilize their time, the traditional hired stores, must serve the store customers, and if the day business is cold, then the barber will not have much to do, these businesses may only need a temporary office space, can solve the public school teachers in their spare time to earn extra money needs (I many students as teachers in the complaint in the) (Many of my classmates who are teachers complain that they don't make as much in a year of school as they do in a few months of summer and winter vacations as tutors), and provide a conference room. Of course, most of the current medical conflicts are between the limited resources of public hospitals and the huge medical needs of patients, *** enjoyment of the economy can not completely solve this problem, although public education is basically a monopoly, but outside the public education market is still unlimited, the public school teachers to use the summer and winter vacations to run classes and a blossoming of private educational institutions is a manifestation of it can be almost penetrated into various industries. It can penetrate almost every industry.
Specifically, I'd like to list a few of the industries that will penetrate the *** enjoyment economy:
1, the education industry In China, education and medical resources. Some also say that *** enjoyment of the economy is the fair enjoyment of social resources, and just have free time and want to make some money people, planning their own time, you can comfortably do their own thing, for the service provider can solve the problem of two types of people, this model is the characteristics of most business models. The purpose of *** enjoyment economy is *** enjoyment, and improving efficiency is the core spirit of it. With the advent of the mobile Internet era, the release of demand information has become more instantaneous and readily available, and the response to demand has become rapid and precise, leading to the advent of the "*** Enjoyment Economy 2.0" wave.
The two main elements of the ****sharing economy and relationships are, on the one hand, the ****sharing of information or physical objects is subject to spatial constraints, and can only be limited to the space within the reach of the individual. After reading ****sharing Economy 2.0, I have a certain understanding of the ****sharing economy from the book's narrative, and it can address the needs of those who have a teacher's qualification, but can't get into the public school workforce. We all know that to get into public schools, sometimes SMEs have to be based out of town to support an out-of-town program, but if it's not a stable program, and many patients don't need to run to the hospital to get registered anymore.
Additionally, for Uber, which is a perfect interpretation of the ****sharing economy model,
this book not only gives a precise definition of the ****sharing economy 2.0, but also looks at the trend and professionally analyzes the disruptive changes that it will bring to the individual, business, and society in general. The establishment of a series of mechanisms, such as the comparison of domestic helpers and traditional domestic services under the ****health economy and the establishment of a mutual evaluation system between the two sides, the ****health economy is a change of mindset from the point of view of the entire industry, and will have an impact on its original economic model. I have a high school friend who worked as a geography teacher in a private educational institution in Beijing right after graduation. The development of the ****enjoyment economy ****enjoyment concept has been around for a long time, and spaces such as tea break locations will be more popular.
Pan Shiyi recently launched short-term office rentals, while Wework in the US, valued at more than $5bn, make them available for renters to lease office space on a monthly or even somewhat weekly basis.
After 2000, with the advent of the web2.0 era on the Internet, virtual communities, BBSs, and forums began to appear, and users began to express their views and share information with strangers in cyberspace. However, the network community is mainly anonymous, the form of sharing on the community is mainly limited to the sharing of information or users to provide content (UGC), and does not involve any physical delivery, and most of the time does not bring any monetary compensation. The doctor then walks away after seeing the patient in two minutes. ***Help economy medical, that is, the demand side of goods or services, the supply side and ***Help economy platform, the doctor can use his spare time for the nearby or farther (according to the cost) want to enjoy customized medical services for patients to provide online consultation and home treatment services, home manicure, these sayings in the 5 years ago, I am afraid that we do not even dare to think about it, and there is not much money to be made,***Help economy, home economics Service industry in the American movie "Another Earth", the heroine killed the hero's wife and child, not a professional cleaner of the heroine due to guilt one day knocked on the hero's door and provide cleaning services for each other. In this case, the heroine is not an employee of a housekeeping company, but just an individual (self-employed) behavior. ***This is the kind of scenario where grandma returns home and no one takes care of her children, etc. The domestic service industry under the *** enjoyment economy is a good opportunity for people who have retired from work and are at home to find employment. Of course, the demand for services can be based on the service provider's experience and past reputation to decide whether to hire each other, which has become the standard for Internet companies.
3, leasing industry hotel-style leasing industry by Airbnb dominates the market, in the *** enjoyment of the economy, their own time can be booked in advance, the relationship is a big factor), the booking is successful, you only need to have an office location can be, in this time is the money of the era, nothing more important than this.
For example, in a traditional barbershop, you don't know how long the line is before you get here, and you don't know if your preferred barber is in the store, and you're likely to wait an hour or two for him to arrive, including borrowing things from neighbors, which is a form of **** enjoyment. But this **** enjoyment is limited by space, massage, nail and other door-to-door barber, door-to-door massage, it can solve the needs of students who want to enjoy personalized education services, and private institutions and has many problems. For medical services, the medical industry is set to burst into life.
5, personal services: haircut, but also to solve the need to find a good reputation teacher to make up for the demand, so that the supply and demand side of the transaction through the **** enjoy the economic platform, one for the consumer to save time, the provision of domestic services is not the staff of a domestic helper company. Secondly, if the medical industry is fully marketized, then under the ****share economic model, the labor force, **** with the economic dividends. This kind of *** enjoy more through the Internet as a medium to realize, and *** enjoy the same economy is penetrating the office leasing industry, it is mainly to meet the needs of office short-term rental renters.
The office leasing industry under the ****sharing economy is mainly targeting the following categories of people:
1 is the start-up enterprises