What are the ways of garbage disposal

There are three main ways to dispose of municipal garbage: sanitary landfill, high-temperature composting and incineration

1. Landfill

Landfill treatment takes up a lot of land. At the same time, the harmful ingredients in the garbage will cause serious pollution of the atmosphere, soil and water, not only destroying the ecological environment, but also seriously endangering human health.

2. Composting

Composting requires sorting and classification of garbage, which requires high organic content. Moreover, composting cannot reduce the amount of waste and still requires a large amount of land.

3. Incineration

The essence of incineration is to oxidize organic garbage into inert gaseous matter and inorganic non-combustible matter under high temperature and sufficient oxygen supply conditions to form stable solid residue. The garbage is first placed in the incinerator for combustion, releasing heat energy, and then the waste heat recovery can be used for heat or power generation. The flue gas is purified and discharged, and a small amount of remaining residue is discharged, landfilled or used for other purposes.

The advantages are rapid capacity reduction and thorough high-temperature harmless, covers an area of small, less impact on the surrounding environment, and heat recovery. Therefore, the incineration treatment of msw is an effective treatment method of harmlessness, reduction and resourcefulness. With the increasing environmental awareness of people and the improvement of comprehensive utilization technology such as heat energy recovery, the proportion of domestic waste treatment by incineration technology is increasing year by year in all countries of the world.

Expanded Information:

Trash is the solid waste produced by human beings in their daily life and production. Daily life and production of solid waste, due to the discharge of a large amount of complex and varied composition, and has a polluting, resource and social, need to be harmless, resource, reduction and social treatment, if not properly handled, will pollute the environment, affect environmental health, waste of resources, damage to the safety of production and life, and undermine the social harmony.

Waste treatment is to remove the waste quickly and carry out harmless treatment, and finally make reasonable use of it. Today's widely used waste disposal methods are sanitary landfills, high-temperature composting and incineration. The purpose of garbage disposal is harmlessness, resourcefulness and reduction.

I. Main Hazards

1. Classification and Hazards

Take a look at what human domestic waste are:

1) Human and animal feces. Presence of infectious bacteria, viruses.

(2) Medical waste from medical institutions. Presence of a large number of infectious viruses and chemical substances that are difficult to degrade.

(3) Construction and decoration waste. Presence of volatile chemicals.

(4) Light industrial waste. Mostly chemical materials that are difficult to degrade, such as plastics and paints.

(5) Electronic material waste produced by the electronics industry. Including the main heavy metal components and difficult to degrade glass fibers, plastics and so on. Heavy metals are lead, tin, zinc, silver, gold and other heavy metal materials that are hazardous to human health.

(6) Chemical industry production of chemical compounds of toxic and hazardous substances waste. Such as benzene and other volatile substances.

(7) batteries. It is an indispensable industrial product in people's life, and its pollution is mainly reflected in heavy metals and chemical substances, including chemical components such as acids and alkalis, and also materials such as plastics that are difficult to degrade.

(8) Sewage discharged from all aspects of urban life and from industrial enterprises such as manufacturing.

(9) Small amounts of radioactive pollutants.

(10) Other human domestic wastes not listed.

2, secondary pollution

Incineration treatment also produces pollution of the environment and superficial lengthy infringement, mainly including air pollution after the burning of waste. In this category of pollution mainly includes:

(1) chemical products in the high temperature incineration process of toxic and harmful substances produced pollution.

(2) Air pollution by toxic and harmful substances (including sulfides, carbides and other substances).

(3) Pollution of the environment by chemical wastes generated by the automobile industry, heavy pollution from diesel automobile exhaust and chronic pollution in low quantities.

(4) Pollution by other toxic and hazardous substances produced by household waste during combustion.

Despite high-tech facilities for dust removal and reduction of emissions of toxic and hazardous substances, there still exists a long-term emission and accumulation of trace hazardous substances, which can still cause chronic pathological damage to the earth's organisms. However, because trace harmful substances can accumulate in living organisms over a long period of time, they can lead to the continual aggravation of chronic diseases, making it difficult to diagnose the condition.

Two, the general treatment method

The general method of waste disposal can be summarized as material use, energy use and landfill disposal of three methods.

1, material utilization

Also known as material recycling, refers to the physical conversion, chemical conversion (including chemical modification and pyrolysis, gasification and other thermal conversion) and biological conversion (including microbial conversion, insect conversion and animal conversion, etc.), to achieve the reuse of the material properties of the waste, recycling and regeneration of the use, including the traditional recycling of material resources and perishable organic waste Conversion into high-quality material resources.

2. Energy utilization

Also known as energy recycling, it refers to the conversion of the internal energy of garbage into heat and electricity, including incineration for power generation, heat supply and cogeneration.

3, landfill disposal

This refers to landfill disposal of unwanted garbage that cannot be resourcefully processed (including material utilization and energy utilization).

If we look at the whole life cycle of garbage, garbage disposal should also include source reduction and emission control. Strictly speaking, reduction refers to source reduction, which is to reduce the waste of resources and waste production in the production and living process by changing the habit of product design, changing the habit of raw material purchasing, changing the habit of consumers' purchasing and consuming, and changing the business model.

Generally speaking, waste treatment should adhere to the concept of hierarchical treatment and utilization of source reduction and emission control, material utilization, energy utilization and final landfill disposal, and balanced development of all aspects of waste treatment, giving full play to the role of various ways of waste treatment, in particular, to strengthen the material utilization of classified waste, reduce the amount of waste generated and reduce the amount of waste emitted after each level of treatment?


Baidu Encyclopedia - Waste Disposal