The Origin of Product Marketing-Trial Marketing

Almost all questions about product marketing can find the final answer economically and quickly in the pilot promotion, which is also the correct way to find the correct answer, instead of relying on rhetoric and paper talk, the buyer of the product is the final judge! Advertising will encounter many unexpected things. The advertisement you scoff at may be a great success, and the advertisement you promise may be a fiasco. If you don't know enough about consumers' desires, no one can predict the popular views. Advertisers guess the market according to their own ideas, few people guess right, and people guess wrong everywhere. Don't be lucky in marketing. Only by passing the pilot consumer test and examining the preferences of thousands of people can we decide the choice of millions of people. Before the promotion, you must go through the pilot to prove that your measures will be foolproof, so that your products will not run aground in the market. After testing, the promotion risk is very small, and the test loss is only a little money. If the product is successful, you can make a lot of money!