Comparison of several methods of air sterilization in the operating room

A method of air sterilization

1, air disinfectant disinfection: ?

Operating room air disinfection is recommended to use slightly acidic hypochlorite disinfectant, this type of disinfectant can be disinfected in the presence of people, and will not corrode medical equipment. It is recommended to choose "CELA water", 30 years of Japanese brand heritage, you can take people to disinfect without special ventilation.

Medical research has shown that the pH value of the oral environment of healthy people is between 6.20 and 6.80, which fully reflects the human body long-term use of disinfection products can not be lower than 6.20 pH value below 6.20 on the mucous membranes and skin will be damaged; pH value higher than 6.80 will be a serious decline in the sterilization effect, or even ineffective. CELA non-electrolytic micro-acidic hypochlorite water pH imitation The pH value of CELA non-electrolytic micro-acid hypochlorite water mimics the environment of the human oral cavity, with no irritation and no side effects, ensuring the safety of long-term use.

Operating Room Air Sterilization Kit

(Hypochlorous acid is the core bactericidal substance of human immune system - one of the effective bactericidal substances generated by phagocytic neutrophilic cells in human blood, when bacteria invade the body or epidermis is damaged, the white blood cells will start to resist foreign bacteria and viruses, at this time, the white blood cells will secrete hypochlorous acid, which specializes in destroying the cell walls of bacteria and viruses, so that bacteria and viruses can not survive. The white blood cells will secrete hypochlorous acid, which is specialized in destroying the cell walls of bacteria and viruses, so that bacteria and viruses cannot survive. It also has the advantages of broad-spectrum sterilization, strong killing power, high security, good environmental protection, gentle and convenient.

Human and animals are eukaryotic organisms, the enzyme system is hidden in the cell organelles, hypochlorite can not be directly contacted, and hypochlorite in the sterilization process is through the oxidation of bacteria and other microorganisms to disintegrate, and its products are water, sodium chloride (salt), organic sugar and trace carbon dioxide and other non-toxic substances, therefore, has no residue, non-toxic characteristics.)

2, centralized air conditioning system disinfection.

The use of fans, refrigeration, heating, dehumidification, purification, etc., to regulate the indoor temperature, humidity, air cleanliness, freshness and air velocity, is the air-conditioning system and the concentration of microorganisms in the indoor air will be up to within the safety limits. This method is not advocated for the time being, because of the epidemic reasons, air conditioning can lead to cross-infection.

3, ultraviolet lamp disinfection.

The chances of the indoor being fully irradiated by sunlight is very small, but ultraviolet light reaches a certain wavelength is by the role of sterilization and poisoning. Now there is a mobile ultraviolet lamp, indoors can be carried out, but not very convenient, because too strong ultraviolet is not good for the human body, but also produces radiation, ultraviolet light will also accelerate the aging of some equipment.

4, ozone generator disinfection.

The disinfection principle of ozone is to rely on its strong oxidizing, through such oxidation to destroy the cell structure of viruses and bacteria. Ozone has a good disinfection of indoor air microorganisms, can remove the smell, the method is simple. But ozone has a corrosive effect on metal, there is a certain degree of toxicity to people, disinfection, good protection, it is best to leave the room, disinfection until the room can not smell the smell of ozone before you can enter the room.