2. If the hospital has not been approved and registered, or does not have the appropriate qualifications, or performs the surgery without the qualification of the physician, it should be a fraud, according to the provisions of the Protection of Consumers' Rights and Interests Act, the hospital should double the surgical fees, and compensation for nursing care, transportation costs, lost time and disability benefits and other related costs.
3, plastic surgery failure or disfigurement will cause lifelong mental pain, consumers can ask the hospital to pay mental damage compensation.
The Chinese People's *** and National Code Article 1,179 infringement of another person caused personal injury, shall be compensated for the medical expenses, nursing costs, transportation costs, nutrition, hospital meal allowance, and other reasonable expenses for treatment and rehabilitation expenditures, as well as reduced income due to lost wages. Causing disability, shall also compensate for the cost of auxiliary aids and disability compensation; causing death, shall also compensate for funeral expenses and death compensation.