When we talk about Internet marketing, we rarely address issues related to the direct sale of products, because, Internet marketing is not the same as selling online. Selling online is usually combined with the concept of e-commerce, although sometimes there is no clear line between e-commerce and online marketing, as in the case of online store strategies.
Generally, the reason a company sets up an online store is to sell its products online, or as the online store platform providers put it: to conduct e-commerce. Sounds good, with those e-commerce platforms, any business can easily carry out e-commerce, even without the need to set up their own corporate website, can come to a three-stage jump, but in reality, these online stores are not necessarily as expected to bring satisfactory sales.
But if you have or are planning to open an online store, there's no need to mourn this state of affairs -- if you don't use online sales as your only metric. Because, in addition to its "e-commerce" function, an online store is also a good online marketing tool.
In the current situation, the B2C boom has passed, and even some people are skeptical of the B2C business model, so a company would not invest heavily in building a large online shopping mall just to sell their products, then, using a third-party e-commerce platform, the establishment of an online store has become a wiser choice.
Now there are many websites that provide this service, the biggest contribution of the network enterprises to the traditional industry, is the establishment of a number of cheap and even free of charge "platform", they hope that a large number of traditional enterprises to stand on this platform, and quickly carry out e-commerce. Therefore, we will establish an online store as a means of network marketing, is really good for manpower.
But, as a marketing tool of the online store, to what extent is it effective? I'm afraid this is something that many people feel unsure of, because a small, unassuming online store, hidden in a website (online store platform) in a number of levels under a corner, the probability of being found by others is really limited. However, if you put a little more effort into it, and even invest some of the necessary funds (in addition to the store rent), the situation could be very different.
Here are three aspects of an online store marketing strategy to keep in mind.
Choosing an ideal platform
Nowadays, there are a lot of various online store platforms out there, but it's best not to take the decision lightly and try them out first. Whether you are building a store to provide customers with a window into your products or you really want to realize e-commerce through an online store, choosing an ideal platform is an important step. Because the online store you want to set up is equivalent to renting a counter in a shopping mall, and the business results depend largely on the popularity of the mall, customer traffic, and the location of your counter and other factors, so it is crucial to choose a well-functioning, easy-to-manage, and accessible website platform, even if this is a little bit more than the price paid by those who are not well-populated is also worth it.
However, if you are opening a store for the first time, it's better to choose a website with relatively low rent because, besides website traffic, there are many other factors that contribute to the effectiveness of the business, such as whether your store is attractively arranged, whether your products or stores are optimally categorized, and whether you occupy a prominent position, etc. Wouldn't it be a waste to pay high rents for this if the other conditions don't keep up?
Getting a special mention on the site
This is practically advertising yourself, and it's even better than bragging about yourself. However, you may have to put a lot of effort into it. In addition to having your own products that will be of interest to visitors and a name that speaks for itself, the layout and decoration of your storefront may be even more important, and sometimes you may even need to hire a professional to design it for you.
First of all, don't believe those e-commerce platforms advertised "five minutes to build a store", "ten minutes to carry out e-commerce" propaganda, even if the fool type "e-commerce "It's not that simple. First of all, to understand the description of those sites and their rent is very difficult (perhaps trade secrets), and then, one by one, your products with pictures with instructions, prices, after-sales service measures, delivery methods, etc. sent to the Internet, but also the clutter of the store organized and arranged in a beautiful and generous. Think about it, 10 minutes is enough?
Of course, the chances of getting a special recommendation from the website may not be many, especially on the front page of the website, and even fewer chances, when your preparations are well underway, don't forget to think of ways to fight for ah, even in the classifieds page of the publicity opportunities should not be given up.
Apply for a separate domain name for the store
Because there are not many chances to get a special recommendation from the website, not to mention, it is better to rely on yourself to promote yourself, and it is better to ask for help than to ask for help. One important way to do this is to apply for a separate domain name for the store.
After completing the formalities of setting up an online store, you can usually get a second-level domain name for the site as the store's URL, and you'll be told that this is your dedicated, independent URL, which you can print on business cards, company brochures, log into search engines, and so on, which, of course, functionally, you can do. However, from the point of view of Internet marketing, it is best not to do so, the reason is very simple, this domain name with a strong color of the online store provider, even if there is not much Internet expertise of people, see your online store so-and-so famous website associated with, will feel a little bit wrong. When promoting this kind of second-level domain name as a company website, there are several negative effects: firstly, it will seriously hurt your company image; secondly, there may be a lot of online stores established on the same e-commerce platform, and this kind of similar URLs do not have their own characteristics and styles, and it is hard to leave a special impression on others; thirdly, some search engines may refuse to log in to this kind of URLs; fourthly, since the Web platforms mostly use database format website design, your online store if you do not do special design, may be many search engines can not be retrieved. In short, it is not easy to promote your online store.
The best solution is to apply for a dedicated independent domain name for your online store, however, this requires the cooperation of your service provider, which needs to point and resolve your domain name to your online store. Assuming that you have a separate URL, then you can take all the usual internet marketing techniques to promote it, and perhaps your online store can become famous.
Respondent: Dodd2008 - Manager Grade 4 1-4 10:59
Network Promotion Classic Methods
How to Increase Website Visits? Here are 29 methods you might consider employing. Some of them you may have already adopted, some you may have forgotten to adopt, and some you have never heard of. In short, here you can get an overview of the various effective methods of website promotion that are currently available. First of all, you need to understand that website promotion is a long-term and systematic process, which requires the development of clear goals and plans, and prepare accordingly.
The most important strategy in search engine promotion is to rank first in the major search engines for the most important keywords of your website. Search engine search bots automatically search for web content, so search engine strategy starts with optimizing web pages. I. Add page titles. Write descriptive titles of 5 to 8 words for each page of content. The title should be concise "of" "and" these unimportant words. Describe the page, what the most important content of the site is. The title of the page will appear on the link to the search results page, so it can be written in a slightly provocative way to entice the searcher to click on the link. Also write your company name and your most important keywords in the content of the first page, not just the company name. Each page of the site should have a title specific to that page. Second, add descriptive META tags. In addition to the page title, a number of search engines will search for the META tag. This is a descriptive sentence. Describe the content of the body of the page, the sentence should also contain the keywords used on this page, phrases, etc. ? Currently, META tags containing keywords don't help much with rankings anymore, but sometimes META tags are used in paid landing techniques. And who knows when search engines will value it again? Third, fill in your keywords in the bold text of the page, usually the article title as well. Search engines value bold text and think it's a very important part of this page. So make sure you write your keywords in one or two bold text tags. To try to avoid the important title are made into the form of images, not to mention the entire home page are made into an image. Fourth, make sure your keywords appear in the first paragraph of your body copy. Search engines want to find your keywords in the first paragraph of text, but do not fill too many keywords. google will probably appear in the full text of every 100 words 1.5 to 2 keywords as the best keyword density, can get good ranking. Other places to consider placing keywords can be in the code of the ALT or COMMEET tag inside. If you can not guarantee that the body of the first paragraph of the keywords, you can consider some of the measures do not save, such as adding a note to the page and so on. Fifth, the navigation design should be easy to search engine search. Some people use frames in web page production, but this is a serious problem for search engines. Even if the search engine to find your content page, you may miss the key navigation columns, so you can not go to other pages. Navigational buttons made with JAVA and FLASH look pretty and aesthetically pleasing, but search engines can't find them. The remedy is to make another navigation bar at the bottom of the page with regular HTML links to ensure that you can access each page of the site through this navigation bar. You can also make a site map that links to each page as well. In addition, some content management systems and e-commerce catalogs use dynamic web pages, the URL of these pages are generally followed by a question mark with a number, overworked search engines tend to stop before the question mark, not to continue searching. For this situation. Can be resolved by changing the URL, paid login and other means. Dynamic sites can be generated through the static page technology to facilitate search engine crawling. Site map to try to possibly link to all the main pages, and a separate site map page submitted to the search engine. More use of HTML static pages, although increased workload, but can increase the search engine friendly, thus laying the foundation for a good ranking.