Autologous fat breast augmentation chest will produce nodules

It will produce, but it can be avoided. Generally speaking, hard lumps and nodules after fat augmentation of breasts are mainly related to the doctor's technique.

Doctors injecting fat cells, injection is too concentrated, or injecting too much fat at one time, resulting in a large accumulation of fat, fat cells do not get a good blood supply and nutrients, fat necrosis or calcification, the formation of hard lumps of fat; secondly, after the breast augmentation surgery, bleeding in the chest, blood coagulation, there is no timely decomposition and absorption, resulting in the emergence of clots of the problem; and finally, the process of fat purification processing , the purification technology is not in place, screening fat cells contain a lot of water, oil droplets, connective tissue and other impurities, easy to form nodules.

To put it simply, the purity of the fat, the injection technique, and the lack of post-operative care may cause the appearance of hard lumps and nodules in the chest.