That value of the x-ray machine is the radiation value?
Portable x-ray machine radiation size is inversely proportional to the cube of the distance. This mainly depends on the size of the energy of the optical machine and the size of the optical machine current! Now on the market more than 80KV no protection, conservative general safety distance are more than 10 meters, which also depends on the time of the light machine luminous, because the human body is harmed by the accumulation of radiation dose! You can look at the national standards! Portable X-ray safety inspection equipment General Specification GB 12664-2003434.7 Radiation Protection Requirements 4.7.1 Leakage Radiation a) 1m from the X-ray radiation window. Leakage radiation of air specific kinetic energy rate should not exceed 0.02mGy/h. b) 50mm from the surface of the X-ray source, the leakage radiation of air specific kinetic energy rate should not exceed 0.2mGy/h. Note: This standard describes the intensity of radiation with the air specific kinetic energy. Instead of using the amount of exposure. The unit of air specific kinetic energy is Gray (Gy), and its relationship with the irradiation amount (unit C/kg or R) is: 1Gy=2.96×10-2C/kg, or lGy=115R. 4.7.2 Spurious Radiation a) In the case of X-ray radiation, the air specific kinetic energy rate of the stray radiation at the working position shall not exceed 0.6mGy/h. b) If the radiation intensity at the working position exceeds the above limit value, the product should provide effective radiation protection measures to ensure that the radiation intensity of the working position under the protective measures is lower than the above limit value. c) Taking the X-ray radiation window as the reference point, the product standard shall give the stray radiation distribution map of various possible working positions or the maximum value of stray radiation at several points, so as to facilitate the estimation of the possible absorbed dose for the personnel working on it. 4.7.3 Limitation of radiation field The X-ray radiation window shall be installed with a beam-limiting system (e.g., beam-limiter, diaphragm, etc.), so as to ensure that there is a significant decrease in the intensity of the radiation in the radiation field. 4.8 Performance Requirements 4.8.1 Functions The equipment shall be able to fulfill the functions specified in the product standard when operated correctly under normal working conditions.4.8.2 Radiation output The product standard shall specify the radiation output intensity of the X-ray source in the equipment. For continuous X-ray source, the radiation output is expressed in terms of air specific kinetic energy rate, the unit is mGy/s (or its approximate amount); for pulsed X-ray source, the radiation output is expressed in terms of air specific kinetic energy of one or several pulses. The unit is mGy / number of pulses (or its approximate amount).