When it comes to pregnancy test results pictures, we all know that some people ask for pregnancy test pictures, and in addition, others want to ask about pregnancy tests showing results? Do you know what this is all about? Actually, look at the pregnancy test stick pictures!
Pregnancy test results pictures1. Pregnancy test results pictures:Pregnancy test pictures
The pregnancy test pictures you want: pregnancy test two compartments pictures.
2. pregnancy test results picture:Pregnancy test stick showing results?
Yes, these super obvious two bars tell you very definitely that you are pregnant.
3, pregnancy test results picture: look at the pregnancy test stick figure
Only the control line C appeared in a purple-red strip, in the test area of the T no strip, is presented, indicating that not pregnant
If the stick at the same time appeared in two money, and the test area is obviously clear. It is a positive performance, indicating that the pregnancy test stick how to see the results picture.
Look at the pregnancy test stick pictureThe lighter marking in the test area T and the darker color in the control line C is a weakly positive phenomenon, indicating that there is a possibility of pregnancy
In another case, if only the test area T has a display, and the control line C has no display, then it also indicates that the results of the pregnancy test stick has been pregnant picture of the actual shot.
4, pregnancy test results picture:Who has a pregnancy test stick pictures of actual pictures? Thank you
The result of pregnancy (positive) can be read after 1 minute (as soon as 30 seconds), meaning that the test if 1 minute after the two lines are clearly shown, it shows that the result is pregnancy (positive), do not have to wait until 3 minutes to read. How to read the results of the pregnancy test illustrated.
The principle of pregnancy test stick test is based on the human chorionic villus in the human body, if the pregnancy test stick above the display of two lines, it is pregnant (positive). HCG is a kind of pregnant women, with the blood distribution throughout the body, the role of the target, in which there is also a certain concentration of HCG.
Generally speaking, the use of the pregnancy test stick should be in the men's room 7-10 days after the use of the time to measure the time. The accuracy of whether a woman is pregnant or not will be much higher. After the time of measurement, you should also pay attention to the method of use, otherwise the results will be affected as well.
When using a pregnancy test to measure, be sure to wear a disposable glove first, and then use your thumb to firmly pinch the handle of the pregnancy test stick, the section of the suction hole is slightly tilted downward, and then aligned with the suction hole to urinate, not more than three seconds of time to catch the urine, and at the same time to ensure that it has passed through the suction hole. Pregnancy test stick to detect pregnancy picture.
Look carefully at the red line on the top of the pregnancy test, and the result will come out within a minute if you are pregnant. If it is not pregnant, the results will come out in three minutes, and if it has not been interpreted in more than five minutes, then the pregnancy test stick has been. When testing with a pregnancy test stick, use the morning urine to conduct the test.
5, pregnancy test results picture: I want a real pregnancy test stick real pregnancy picture
You can go to the drug company drugstore to buy, the picture that can not be found, only you personally go to do it can be
6, pregnancy test results picture: seek a pregnancy test stick photo showing pregnancy
The general public will not be their own had experienced the test paper to remain or take pictures or anything.
If it's two lines
Basically, it's pregnant
It's normal to have one dark and one light
Especially in the early stages of pregnancy (which is related to a certain kind of concentration), the pregnancy test results are illustrated.
The next day with the morning urine again test if still double line
Basically you can be sure is pregnant
Early pregnancy ultrasound can not see clearly
A blood test (HCG) can be diagnosed
Generally larger hospitals have
The same day can be the result
A few dozen money two bar pregnancy test pictures.
I hope this information can help you
Good luck! Pregnancy test two bar cell phone p chart tutorial.
Above is the content related to pregnancy test results pictures, which is shared about pregnancy test results pictures. After reading the pregnancy test results pictures, I hope this is helpful!