One, system properties to view the computer configuration
In the Win10 system, right-click on the Start menu, click the "Control Panel" option, and then click "System Security" in the "System", then there will be the overall configuration of the computer. ", and then there will be the overall configuration of the computer. The following figure.
Second, the device manager to view the computer configuration
In the "system" in the left column to find "Device Manager" and click to enter, you can see the CPU, graphics card, sound card, network card and other configuration information. As shown in the picture, the following is the CPU information of my computer (mine is Core i3 2310M, dual-core, four threads, so it shows "4" cpu).
The display adapter is the graphics card info, and the audio inputs and outputs are the microphone and sound card info.
Three, DirectX diagnostic information to view the computer model and configuration
In the "Run" in the input "dxdiag", enter.
In the open directX system diagnostic information, you will see the computer's configuration information.
In the "Display" menu item, you can see information about the graphics card.
Fourth, with the help of third-party software to view the computer model and configuration information
Here we can recommend Lu Masters, cpu-z and so on. The specific method is very simple.