What are the first aid and life support medical equipment?

First aid, life support medical equipment: ventilator, anesthesia machine, defibrillator, simple respirator, infusion pump, syringe pump, laryngoscope.

1. Ventilator

It is a kind of medical equipment that can play a crucial role in preventing and treating respiratory failure, reducing complications, and saving and prolonging patients' lives.

The ventilator, as an effective means of artificially replacing the function of autonomous ventilation, has been commonly used in respiratory failure due to various causes, anesthesia respiratory management during major surgery, respiratory support therapy and emergency resuscitation, and occupies a very important position in the field of modern medicine.

2, anesthesia machine

is the use of inhalation anesthesia method of general anesthesia apparatus. The so-called anesthesia is to make all or part of the organism temporarily unconscious, in order to carry out surgical treatment method.

Modern anesthesia machine is moving toward intelligent, integrated system development, the combination of components coordinated, flexible, reliable, compact, reasonable structure, the use of a clear and friendly interface, easy and fast operation.

3, defibrillator

Cardiac DC resuscitation is the use of electrical energy to treat rapid ectopic arrhythmia, so that it is converted to sinus rhythm of an effective method. An electrical cardioversion machine, also known as a defibrillator, is the main device used to perform electrical cardioversion.

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Also known as the resuscitation balloon, balloon, balloon, etc., suitable for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the need for artificial respiration first aid

Applicable to cardiopulmonary resuscitation and artificial respiration first aid, especially for asphyxiation, respiratory distress or the need to improve the amount of oxygen supply; easy to use, light pain, fewer complications, easy to carry, with or without a source of oxygen can be immediately ventilated features.

5, infusion pump

Control the number of drops or infusion flow rate, to ensure that the drug can be uniform speed, the amount of accurate and safe into the patient's body to play a role in a device; commonly used in the need to strictly control the amount of infusion and the amount of drugs.

6, syringe pump

By the stepping motor and its driver, silk rod and bracket, etc., with reciprocating movement of the silk rod, nut, and therefore also known as the silk rod pump; nut and syringe piston is connected to the syringe, the syringe contains liquid, to achieve high precision, smooth and pulsation-free liquid transmission.

7, laryngoscope

Because of the deep location of the larynx, the physiological structure of the complex, can not be directly peeped into the larynx, laryngeal examination with the help of a number of special inspection methods - laryngoscope.