Laboratory water quality is the best ultrapure water machine is what brand?

Imported water machine water quality to be better, but also some stability, I know of imported water machine in the ECOPUR is better.

The water machine on the market in fact, in terms of water quality are generally able to meet the standards, but the consumption of consumables and the stability of the water quality there is a difference. It is best if the water quality can be stabilized to meet the standard and the replacement of consumables will not be particularly frequent.

We used to use the water machine consumables change too quickly, the cost really can not hold, but now use the ECOPUR ultrapure water machine at least do not have these problems. The desalination module is a two-stage reverse osmosis, and with the large-fill purification column, the water quality is much better, and the consumables are saved.

Lastly a little bit quite twisted is the water machine's touch-screen interface is actually English, hey, I should have known to buy with the manufacturer said installed into the Chinese ......