Applications of Displacement Sensors

Displacement sensors, also known as linear sensors, the displacement is converted to electrical sensors. There are many types of displacement sensors, different displacement sensors application areas are also different, the following examples of several kinds of displacement sensors: 1, laser displacement sensor applications laser sensors are commonly used in length, distance, vibration, speed, orientation and other physical measurements, but also can be used for detection and monitoring of atmospheric pollutants, etc. 2, angular displacement sensors applications series of inclination, angle sensors, distance sensors, acceleration sensors, and measurement of orientation with a digital compass, electronic compasses and gyroscopes. Sensors, acceleration sensors, as well as measuring the orientation of the digital compass, electronic compass and gyroscope has been widely used in petroleum, coal, iron and steel, ships, tunnels, medical equipment, dams, machinery, physical exploration instrumentation, geology, geotechnical, petroleum, mining, pipelines, inclined conduit, railroads, ports, water conservancy, high-rise buildings and other industries. 3, magnetostrictive displacement sensor applications Magnetostrictive displacement sensors are widely used in petroleum, chemical, chemical industry, water supply, water supply and drainage industries. Sensors are widely used in petroleum, chemical, pharmaceutical, food, beverage and other industries, the level of a variety of liquid tanks for measurement and control