10kV reactive power compensation device quality is more reliable brands have what

Often the test of reactive power compensation device quality depends on the compensation of capacitors, and series reactance matching parameters. The most critical is the quality of the capacitor. And capacitors from the production process, to the quality requirements of the standard, the general foreign manufacturers to be better than the domestic. It is not to pander to foreigners, the fact is that this is the case.

Nokia ABB Siemens GE the world can do series of complementary capacitor manufacturers only this dead (Chinese Academy of Sciences is also engaged in but to what extent is not too know). And do series complement, is the highest threshold in the field of high-voltage compensation. Therefore, these international brands can be trusted. Overall, as long as it is purely imported capacitors are generally more satisfactory quality. I am afraid that you buy domestic labeling.

Finally, I wish you good luck in your work.