How to disinfect the newly bought smart rice cooker?

Disinfection can be performed according to the following steps:

After cleaning, you can add water and directly carry out the cooking procedure.

After the automatic stop, the rice cooker should not be turned on immediately to avoid being scalded by steam.

After natural cooling, the disinfection procedure is completed.

This is based on the principle that the steam temperature is higher than 100 degrees, and the disinfection effect with steam is still very good.

In the past, when there were no disposable syringes, the sterilization of hospital syringes was realized by high-temperature steamer and steam.

1, put some water in the newly bought rice cooker, boil it for a while, and the taste will naturally disappear, so you can cook with confidence.

2. Add vinegar and water to the rice cooker. This method is better than the first one, and it can make the smell dissipate. Boil the vinegar water, pour it out, and then brush it in clean water. Note: If the rice cooker is not treated for the first time. It will be poisonous.